The Sh** has hit the fan.....

by ex-nj-jw 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    You wonder why you feel bad? Because she's your mom and she's supposed to love you unconditionally. Even thought she's not been ther for you in tha past, a part of you will always have a little hope. That's normal. You are normal. Your mom is not.


  • eclipse


    Your mom did feel embarrased, I can guarantee you that. That is why she reacted the way she did.

    She tried to turn it around on you, but deep down, she knows she's the failure of a mother.

    She knows it and will never admit to you.

    I'm so sorry that she is this way towards you, just know that if you had a different mom, you would be very loved.

  • Purza
    I don't know what I feel? I'm still trying to wrap my tiny little brain around this.

    Oh yeah, I have a messed up family too. So you are not alone. I am currently in therapy to "get my brain around this" as well. My mother is insane (I truly believe clinically insane) and it is so difficult to deal with. Like changeling said -- a mother is supposed to love you unconditionally. It is hard to fathom that they don't. I am a mother myself and could never EVER shun my daughter (even as crazy as she makes me at times). I have to just think that my mother is (in addition to being insaned brainwashed and being controlled. That is the only way to get my head around it.

    Sorry you have to go through this too.


  • Scully

    The ONLY time I hear from any JW relatives is when $$$$$$$ is involved - specifically mine going in their direction. Otherwise they wouldn't even p!$$ on me if I was on fire.

    At least your dad isn't too upset (although I empathize with him for having to live with her), and he acknowledges that your mom is losing her marbles. In answer to her question "what gives you the right... yadda yadda "apostates" etc", I'd just say "are you saying that I don't have the right to talk about such a judgemental and manipulative letter from my mother with other people who understand exactly how that could affect me? What gives YOU the right to judge anyone? The last I heard, only Jehovah and Jesus had that job, NOT YOU! HOW DARE YOU?!?!?" In other words, shovel the guilt and self-righteous indignation right back down her throat. "Oh, and one more thing, don't you ever send me another piece of $h!t like that again, or I'll hand deliver it and shove it up your puckered up @$$ where it came from. If that's how you're going to address me and my family, I don't want to hear from you, understand???"

    I'm sure that's why I haven't received a letter like that from my folks - they know that I won't mince words when I return the volley.

  • sass_my_frass

    Aye carumba, that must have been harsh. You seem like one tough sheila - good for you. I'm glad you have a hubby on your side too.

    I get the feeling that this isn't over, and probably never will be. Now this is hard but think of it as a long game; she wants no contact, give her no contact. In a few years she'll think about what that means. In the meantime have yourself a fabulous life!

  • why???

    sorry to hear that sweetie...everyones fam. drives them crazy some more than others but your a good person at heart and truly strong.....we all love you ....

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    When you're the stable one everyone else leans on you for support. Sounds like at least two of your siblings are having trouble standing on their own. You have proven that life is possible without the allwise and mighty Jehooobadooba. You are a survivor and the heck with all this drama. Mama will come around it seems, Dad thinks so. Even the diehard JW bro is in your corner, unheard of! Good luck sister blister on their ass. (of the unspiritual and sarcastic slave class.) W.Once

  • ex-nj-jw
    Sometimes you have to ask someone if it seems that odd to them just for a bit of validation to make sure that you are correct in thinking it is odd

    Sparkie - you hit the nail on the head!

    "Oh, and one more thing, don't you ever send me another piece of $h!t like that again, or I'll hand deliver it and shove it up your puckered up @$$ where it came from. If that's how you're going to address me and my family, I don't want to hear from you, understand???"

    Scully - ah, a woman after my own heart!

    RR - Only a fellow new jerseyan could say that and get away with it!

    Thanks for all your responses, at least I know that i'm not the only one with a crazy family. Sometimes I wonder if i'm the crazy one and maybe they are sane!! My poor dad, he's just hanging on waiting on Jehoober to fix all his problems and his crazy wife

    The leaching siblings - I don't know why they ask me for money, been there done that, won't be giving any more of my hard earned $$$ to lazy, drug addicted, baby producing leaches!


  • unique1

    WOW, what is with your siblings asking for money? Is that what siblings do? I don't know, don't have any. My mom is equally crazy though. My dad is crazier than yours. (((((((((HUGS))))))) You aren't alone.

  • BFD


    You are not the only one with a crazy ass family. My family puts the func in dysfunctional. As far as your mom shunning you now, like you said it really won't be any different than it has been other than you won't have to put up with her shit any longer.

    It's never easy, though. (((nj)))


    ps- I can take some of the extra $$ off your hands now that you've cut off your leaching family. Just trying to do all I can to help!

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