Shouldn't it be going down but FAST? God, how old are they, anyway? Do new ones keep popping up or something? What's going on here?
The average dub in the U.S. or Britain or any well-established recruiting zone, doesn't really have the
nerve to claim they are anointed. The elders will scoff at their claim, the publishers will go "Aren't you
just a little too stuck up on yourself?" But the JW world isn't all "average." Some are able to overcome
the doubts of locals. Some don't care, some are mentally different. Being anointed is just a feeling, and
many sincere religious people get good feelings. SO- in those areas, some new ones have joined the
ranks of anointed.
In many developing nations where recruiting is fairly new, many converted ones had that feeling in their
previous religion, or develop a sudden righteousness when they hear the recruiting story. It is harder to
suppress their "feeling" since their culture is so different, and the doctrine said it was "possible."
The WTS could have tried to close the door entirely, and start putting non-anointed directly on the GB,
but they decided to keep up the charade, find more anointed for their Body, and just belittle the "feeling"
as meaningless unless you are on the Governing Body. Expect them to stop counting the partakers if
the numbers continue to climb. Expect them to tell elders not to count people unless the elders are
sure of their anointing. OR expect the WT to just lie about the partakers numbers. (2/3rds of the Governing
Body will vote that the true number is not known, so report a percentage of the partakers.)
Added: the GB probably wanted to close the door, but they already had some members from after 1935
and had some replacement GB members in mind who also were post-1935, so the vote to close the door
failed. What we need is another GB member to quit and write a book- that way, we would get an update.