decrease in europe. increase in third world nations
small blurb on bout jw stats
by karvel 17 Replies latest jw friends
thanks Leolaia.
Thanks- looks sad for a business that needs growth.
Thanks for that!
It always baffles me how they seem to be declining in Japan when just a few short years ago they were booming there and just about all witnesses were poineers. I wonder what happend? To bad we don't speak Japanese so we could have them on this board.
Brain Dead
This all not too surprising giving that better education and social awareness in the more developing countries, another interesting fact too is religious attendance in Europe has been
been on a down swing and has been for years
Thank you poster
The growth in the US is in the fast-growing immigrant communities.
Immigrants often feel isolated and marginalized.
Belonging to a group that promises equality, future material prosperity, and other paradisaic conditions is quite appealing. The opportunity to associate with others of their same culture and language group is also very comforting.
Doctrine is oftentimes of very little importance to such individuals.
I picked up a Watchtower in a laundromat that had the 2005-2006 stats. I noticed the same trend. Education is so important in the third world.
It always baffles me how they seem to be declining in Japan when just a few short years ago they were booming there and just about all witnesses were poineers. I wonder what happend? To bad we don't speak Japanese so we could have them on this board.
In Japan religion is a social thing more than anything. So when the society cracks down and social activeties like they have been. It destroys the reason most of the people in Japan would join the witnesses fellowship.
The really bad press on blood proplems the witnesses are getting in Japan recently might also be helping too.
Also the Japanese general population went through a cult experiance in World World Two. So it is easiler to leave a cult there than here in the USA. You are more likely to get simpathy in Japan leaving a cult because, the people as a whole left their emperor cult after the war. Also, christianity in general there is seen as a cult not just the witnesses.
Here in the USA. JW's are generaly consider a wacky form of christianity like mormons. So you are less like to get simpathy from a normal person if you leave in the USA especialy in Utah. Also, I tend to think as a country we the USA are begining to go through a cult experience with the conservative movement. Which when it ends will lead to a simular decline in witnesses.
Brain Dead
Yes your unfortunately correct Nvr.