There are ppl ready to fight for MY right to live in "freedom" here in Canada if need be. Yet i would never go to war. I would go at gunpoint but thats the extent of it. I still dislike all the governments and hope for a better system to come along for us.(There is currently a globalist agenda out there that says 1 world government will be the wave of the future.) Im at odds because i so disagree with government systems(ESP the USA where u have a 2 party system and when a Ross Perot comes along everyone doesnt know what to do.Pathetic.) Im sick 0f Canadian politics as well for our own reasons. Nothing ever gets done..No worse than being called the GOVERNING BODY OF the Canadian ppl.Still, its the best system we have and I hate it and wouldnt fight for it unless the alternative was a worse agenda. If the globalism is better than what we have now i would vote for it. Maybe there would be an end to war then.Just maybe.
Do you still see urself as No part of the world & would u go to war now?
by fedorE 21 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, I do regard myself as part of the world. If circumstances allowed for it, yes, I too, would go to war.
We are a global community, or at least we should be more global. From the aspect of ensuring that political and religious fanaticism of all kinds doesn't try to anihilate a whole race of innocent people, then it becomes my duty to take a stand on the side of the greater good against the tyranny of evil men who would try to take advantage of the weak, poor and the defenseless.
War and that of being a soldier is not for everyone, as it takes a commitment and an understanding that you do not fight for your own glory. You are there for purposes that are larger than yourself. You are in the military to serve the greater common good. The fact that you may die in defense of your country, political policies, good, bad or indifferent is a fact that must be throughly understood.
A soldier's life is an honourable profession, when taken into the hands of the right person. Same said of police officers, firefighters and the like.
Even god spoke through the Psalmist:
There is a time to be born and a time to die.
There is a time for peace and a time for war.
I truly believe with the world facing us as it is now, this is Our Time.
I am part of the world. Part of humanity. An inhabitant of the planet. Because of these things I would not go to war.
I wouldn't want to go to war but I wouldn't fight the governments if it was a need too basis.
If my son wanted to join, I would be sad but I would support him. I don't have to worry about that right now since he's only 9. Though I have thought about it. (crossing fingers he won't wanna
I am part of the world. Part of humanity. An inhabitant of the planet. Because of these things I would not go to war.
So what do you do with those that have no problem with putting their boots on the necks of all your brothers and sisters?
I would say that I am part of the world, part of humanity and an inhabitant. Because of those things I would go to war.
I would go to war if the USA was invaded. Most other wars are bollocks.
Let me clarify JeffT: I would defend myself and others if attacked and support those who do the same. But I would not participate in nor sanction invading another country for ANY reason.
AK - Jeff
Wars seem to be largely futile. On the other hand the WTS view of them was likely distorted, like everything else.
Some wars seem needed - stopping madmen like Hitler seems to be one of them. Others are just bloody and a waste of time. I do believe that each individual should give considerable time to consideration of this matter - if we Jw's we didn't, just accepted the position we were told to accept. Many who were never in a cult, do the same - just accept that war is acceptable and fighting it war is part of being a citizen when called to do so.
I don't think there is an easy answer.
If my home area was 'invaded' by an army, and we were occupied unwillingly, I likely would take up arms. Otherwise, the war would have to have a deep justification for my participation.
Probably one of the most troubling of questions that man has faced - and he has faced it constantly since the dawn of civilization. Good Post.
Madame Quixote
Always a citizen of the world, and always and only willing to battle the debilitating effects of belief in God and other abuses of humanity, like war.
Unfortunately - or not - being born in this world, makes me part of it. I can use clever or sly reasoning to justify not defending my turf when threatened by others. I can leave the hard work of defence to others because I become faint at the sight of blood.
Or I can roll my sleeves up and become more actively involved in my local community, acknowledging that the freedoms I have in my country of origin - New Zealand - were hard won and not obtained by conscientious objectors or pacifists. Being a conscientious objector is a luxury when there are others who will take up arms on my behalf. But it's a f'@@@ing cop-out when the freedoms we enjoy are at the mercy of the bullies at the border and there's no one willing to protect their lives and livelihood. All else is detail. Conscientious objectors may say they're waiting on Jehovah - but the hell they are. They're waiting on fellow humans to protect them.