Also the elders are very young compared to years ago, and many have never been in the world either, they have no knowledge of what others have been through. Another thought about the annointed some being born in the truth and becoming annointed later on (when one falls away, and they replace them?) they suppose to be judges of the ressurected and the great crowd, who can they have empathy for the many that have been through such horrible times, when they have been looked after, never had an addiction and never even experienced half of what other b/s have.
What about the ones that have died martyr death and many of the remnant haven't , what the.
And the great crowd do most of the work, what about all those in Malawi for example that were tortured and some loosing their lives because of an erroneous call by the GB, and those on the GB have never been through anything like it, nor many never died a martyr death for the faith either. Dont get the 144,000. What the.