Sharing some thoughts and questions while reading Gott ist anders (Honest to God) by John A.T Robinson:
Disclaimer: If you are a biblical litteralist you might think: what is all the fuss about?
Thesis: The mythological speech of the Bible, taken litterally, is simply meaningless to modern scientific man.
Examples: God walking in the garden, punishing Adam and his children (justice?!), airbombing sodom and gomorra, sacrificing his Son (or Himself, whatever :) to appease Himself, the resurrection etc.
These are all examples of God acting 'from another place' into 'our history': The world of the Old testament is viewed as a three-story-building (Sheol, Earth, Heaven) with God in heaven. God is litterally above (über) us.
Already in the New Testament, we see the beginnings of another interpretation: God is not litterally above us or living on some star as the wt would have it, but he is totally outside space and time. He is still 'out there' somewhere. Mythological distance has now become metaphyisical distance. God is beyond (jenseits) us.
In both versions, God is a personal being who is somewhere where we are not. He is the anthropomorphic super-man 'out there' answering prayers, watching the Holocaust happen etc. This is the God most people today believe in.
It is this God with whom ex-jw / ex-religious secularists, like myself, have a serious problem. In the secular world, there is simply no superman tinkering with nature, causing virgin births etc. Why must we believe there was in the past?
Question: Are we atheists then?
An atheist is someone who does not see enough evidence for the existence of gods (weak), or asserts there are no such things as gods (strong). But it is a very specific sort of god we are talking about when we use the word: It is the Jehovah-type superman God who acts in our history from his 'out there somewhere', the God who is beyond (jenseits) us. Atheism sees problems with this kind of God.
It might be more specific to say we are anti-theists or anti-Jehovists: we are (intellectually, morally etc) against the Jehovah-type 'somewhere out there' God - all assertions about him like "He makes it rain" are simply meaningless to us who live with a secular, scientific world-view.
I would not call myself an atheist without qualifying it. I have a sense for the 'godly', 'numinous', 'the mystery of life', call it whatever you will. It's just that I can not, in any way, believe in the superman concept of God anymore. I am only an atheist in this sense. That is, I'm an anti-theist.
If only we could modify the concept of God from the superman to something else, not 'out there', not personal, not a personal tribal deity demanding sacrifices or field service, not so.. human! Then we would be anti-theists and atheists with regard to the Jehovah-type God, but not atheistic regarding this 'new' concept of god/godliness.
So, after these thoughts, two questions:
- Would you agree on the anti-theist / atheist distinction?
- What do you think of this new concept of God: 'God is the deepest ground of our being' ? (replacing the height metaphor with the depth metaphor, not a personal God 'out there' but the Godly 'in us')
Kind Regards,
Deus Mauzzim