Last Wednesday I went to Marthas Vineyard wearing the t-shirt I had designed. It says "Ex-Jehovahs Witness Cult survivor". I was asked a lot of questions about it.
What is the last really fun thing you did?
by Sassy 49 Replies latest jw friends
It's been a very long time... but I'm going to California next month with several people- we got 4 day hopper passes to Disneyland and then we're staying at a beach house after that. I can't wait ;-)
Went on vacation to Southern Oregon and played in the Rogue River. BEAUTIFUL country!
In May I flew to Orlando to meet with friends for three days.. we danced and swam and drank... not all in that order!
I had to Google that but it does look like a lot of fun! -
Ooooooh! The Rogue River! I stayed along the Rogue River about 20 years or so ago! Nice!
The last really fun thing I did was last weekend, when I flew to Connecticut for my niece's wedding. I got picked up at the airport by #2 daughter, then got to see the daughter and one niece who just returned from a whirlwind tour of Europe, had my nails done with 2 daughters and 4 nieces -- some had pedicures, too, ate an eggplant parmigiana grinder (no such thing in Michigan), went shopping, saw their vacation pics at my ex-sis-in-laws. That was Friday. Saturday was studying for Monday's exam -- not so much fun -- after a delicious brunch, and then the wedding. It was charming and my foot was feeling well enough that I danced -- quite a lot-- at the reception. I also drank -- quite a lot, because there was a shuttle back to the hotel :) And my 19 year old son actually danced with me!!!On Sunday, we just relaxed and then I had lunch with 2 daughters, 1 niece and 1 girlfriend. It was a happy, playful weekend, and I just had a blast!!!
out -
i have fun on a regular basis, but, one thing that stands out was really simple but fun. i fooled around with mentos and diet coke. me and some buddies tried to see how many we could set off at one time. childish? yeah. fun? you bet.
I'm on vacation at the beach right now! Woohoo!!!
Went Sailing. Sort of. It was hot and there was not much wind.