UZBEKISTAN: Entire JW denomination to be banned?

by kwr 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kwr

    UZBEKISTAN: Entire denomination to be banned?
    By Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service <>

    If, as the Jehovah's Witnesses increasingly fear is likely, the authorities
    strip the last surviving registered Jehovah's Witness congregation of its
    legal status, the entire activity by the denomination in the country will
    become illegal. "This will return us to how it was in the Soviet period,
    when we were also banned,

  • changeling

    How lucky for them!

  • WTWizard

    Here is why I am for the ban against this cult: They initiate the use of force and fraud to get people to join. Children are forced by parents to join just because they were born into it. People in the field are defrauded into joining, with literature that presents specious logic to refute confusing Bible doctrines like the Trinity. And there is the hope of living forever, being able to enjoy things that you can't today because of money and time issues.

    They also initiate coercion to get people to join, and then to stay. Anyone who doesn't join is going to die at Armageddon. If someone joins and then leaves, they make things as miserable as possible for that one. They do all they can to entwine living arrangements and work with the religion. I have seen Witless landlords with Witless tenants. I have also seen Witlesses start [cleaning] businesses and hire only other Witlesses. And if one messes up and gets disfellowshipped or chooses to leave the religion, they are cut off from the work and/or apartment. Not to mention the families that are busted up when one member leaves and the others are not allowed to talk to the departed member. And the threat of dying at Armageddon, being thrown into a world that they are programmed to believe is all evil and that they have no preparation of being part of, and simply being shunned is enough to keep people in that are tired of the endless drudgery of meeting/service or that see through the scam.

    This is reason enough to ban this religion. The members initiate force on children who were born into the cult, ruining their lives. They initiate fraud on people in the territories, and then try to stop them from cross-referencing the religion for accuracy (note the lack of specific references in the Asleep! magazines). They initiate coercion by threatening destruction and hardship if they don't join or if they leave. And, of course, the ban is not likely to work because the Witlesses put themselves above the law.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Good for Ubekistan! More power to them!

  • James Free
    James Free

    I completely and totally disagree. Banning the JW's is not the answer! In fact, it adds to their credibility that they are persecuted, so must be pleasing God.

    Providing information so potential converts will be able to make an informed choice, which would then likely be No, I don't. want to join, is far better. Drive anything underground and it thrives.

    If you are going to ban them, ban all the other religions as well - they are all evil in their own way.

    The more open society is, the less persecution, the harder it is for the WT to get new members. All the stats show that.

  • Gill

    This is not good for many reasons.

    1. People who continue to be JWs in Uzbec. will be tortured, imprisoned and generally suffer greatly.

    2. The WT society will point to the actions of this minor state and scream PERSECUTION thus bolstering the delusions of being the only TRUE faith amongst their ranks all over the world.

    3. It gives the WT society publicity and support amongst organizations such as Amnesty International and the United Nations, organizations that the WT would happily condemn as Satanic......unless they want something from them of course.

    WTWizard - With regard to the force used by Jehovah's Witnesses on their own children and relatives to remain in the cult, I agree this is true, but I also think it is true of other religions such as Islam for instance, and in such circumstance banning all religion would not be a bad idea!

    I'm not sure what the 'state' religion of Uzbekistan is but, I expect it is no more tolerant than the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

    If the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society ever owned / ran / controlled its own country I am absolutely certain it would ban all religious groups except Jehovah's Witnesses. What does that say about them? I suspect the word 'hypocrites' may well spring to mind.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I agree it is not good to ban the religion. I posted late last night without thinking clearly. It will only help the jws in the lomg run. I was just thinking how they claimed that the people of one European country (can't think of the name) could choose for themselves about blood transfusions and it was all a lie really.

    So even if they gain status, the people can be misinformed about the real teachings of this cult.

  • heathen

    As much as I hate j-dubs and the WTBTS I still believe that freedom is more important than wiping out a cult . I think Islam is a far worse cult that needs to be eradicated .

  • Dragonlady76

    It begins with relgion, soon they will be banning more, I HATE the society, but do not want to see people suffer over them any more, like one poster said earlier it only strengthens them by pointing to the "persecution" the brothers are suffering.

  • Finally-Free

    Maybe mandatory cult awareness classes in school would be more effective.


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