This is not good for many reasons.
1. People who continue to be JWs in Uzbec. will be tortured, imprisoned and generally suffer greatly.
2. The WT society will point to the actions of this minor state and scream PERSECUTION thus bolstering the delusions of being the only TRUE faith amongst their ranks all over the world.
3. It gives the WT society publicity and support amongst organizations such as Amnesty International and the United Nations, organizations that the WT would happily condemn as Satanic......unless they want something from them of course.
WTWizard - With regard to the force used by Jehovah's Witnesses on their own children and relatives to remain in the cult, I agree this is true, but I also think it is true of other religions such as Islam for instance, and in such circumstance banning all religion would not be a bad idea!
I'm not sure what the 'state' religion of Uzbekistan is but, I expect it is no more tolerant than the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
If the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society ever owned / ran / controlled its own country I am absolutely certain it would ban all religious groups except Jehovah's Witnesses. What does that say about them? I suspect the word 'hypocrites' may well spring to mind.