Welcome to leagalchickie

by DJK 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJK

    Welcome, welcome. I hope you enjoy this forum and absorb the many benifits it has to offer.

  • lonelysheep


  • BFD

    Welcome to the forum.

    So many new people here. I did not see you post but in any event, welcome and enjoy!


  • legalchickie

    Thanks so much! There is such encouragement here!

    I have not quite figured out how to navigate this web site very much. I know I created my bio but I don't know if I did it right. Any help is appreciated!

  • RAF

    Welcome !!!

  • Gopher

    Welcome, legalchickie !!

    Yes your biography does appear on the profile, and it's very interesting.

    As far as the 'guilty feeling' for coming here, at first it's quite normal. The more you read, the more accurate information you'll get about the reality of the deceiving organization, and such feelings subside.

    I'd highly recommend reading "Crisis of Conscience" by Raymond Franz if you haven't yet. It pulls back the curtains on the inner workings of the WTS headquarters, much like the Wizard was exposed by Dorothy and her dog Toto. Partway through the book it becomes plain to see that the WTS is just a group of men guessing their way through things, no special divine connection exists there. You can order it directly from Ray's publishing firm at www.commentarypress.com

    I hope you enjoy your stay here at the JWD board.

  • RAF

    Just read your bio - nothing's wrong with it (maybe the display? no spaces in between paragraphes - then just edit your profile)...

    Again welcome

  • Gopher

    RAF --

    maybe the display? no spaces in between paragraphes - then just edit your profile

    I tried this, and the way this site works it takes out the spaces and pushes everything together. So I think the way Legalchickie has it is as good as it can be.

  • RAF

    Gopher : it takes out the spaces and pushes everything together. So I think the way Legalchickie has it is as good as it can be.

    Right - I doesn't really matter it's not that long - we can read you legalchicky anyway ...

  • free2think

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