When I was growing up, I remember my parents would put those plastic "cover" things over my sisters panties and put those protective sheets on the bed to help them with potty training. Especially when they were doing great with using the potty on their own during the daytime.
My aunt in Texas would beat her kids arses if they wet the bed. (Now I do NOT agree with this way)
Now days they have pull-up. I have mixed feeling about this way for several reasons. First reason is they are too darn expensive. Second, they feel like diaper, they look like diapers...and even when I've gotten them before my daughter would call them diapers even though I'd tell her they are "panties".
When my daughter spends the night with Grandparents (the ones that are not JW's) they want to put her in the pull-ups. They spend the night quite often and when I put my daughter down for a nap she cries for a diaper (pull-ups). We were doing well with the training and no pull-ups and no accidents. She has accidents sometimes but if you set an alarm once through the night and get her up to go potty, she does not and has not had an accident. I'm not sure how I want to handle this because I feel that they putting her in these "diapers" called pull-ups are defeating my training purposes. She hadn't had an accident once until this morning when she took a small nap. They had told me they had put her in pull-ups.
There are ways to put her to bed using protective sheets and plastic covers for her panties but they seem to not wanna do this.
Now, I have her for most of the time but I'm getting frustrated because they have her at least 2 nights in a week and those 2 nights are undoing what progress we make. I'm taking my son camping and they will have her for the weekend...I don't know if I should just let it go or try to convince them not to use them.
She's potty trained for the most part and now I'm trying to get her totally away from diapers/pull-ups.
For you parents...how did you potty train your children for the night time? Again, she's totally trained during the day...and 90% during the night.