Brothers I absolutely had to join this web site once I saw the new KM for this coming month, has any one else had a chance to view this? I'm absolutely flabbergasted for the first time in my life, what about the the apostle paul and the Bereans? didn't he encourage them to go and find out for them selves the truth? didn't they always go home and search in thier own bibles if the things they were being told were from God? this months Kingdom Ministry makes me so mad, and the real clincher is I brought it up while out in service with one of our elders and he got upset, I know now in my heart that this is Jehovahs way of testing out those who claim to be his servants, I hope and pray there is a elder some where out there that feels the same way and isn't one of these spoken of in the bible who eventually begin to Beat Jehovahs sheep and begin to drink with the spiritual drunkards of the world...... If any one needs a copy of the september kingdom ministry ill post one here, for every one.
new september 2007 Kingdom Ministry Qbox
by patientbrother 43 Replies latest watchtower bible
Welcome PatientBro,
I think the q-box you are talking about has been posted here and there is a discussion going about it- I think it is in the last few pages of "Active Topics" (up at top of screen.
I am sure someone will give you a link to it pretty soon.
-Kudra -
first off, welcome. this has been discussed in great detail. you'll learn quickly, we usually find out about stuff way before the witnesses do.
I drank with quite a few Witnesses. One of them threw up beside my bed Saturday night and gave the Sunday public talk wearing dark glasses. That might have been the first 1/2 hour Sunday talk and that was back in 1962.
The study thing is old news. That's been the rule since the purge of 1981. Welcome to the forum. -
here's the thread on it.
i hope you find it useful. alot was talked about.
I just have to let those of you who have already left or just become inactive how incredibly hard it is for those of us that are married with lots of family in the kingdom hall, to leave would be to rip a family apart. its so disgusting at times the things I hear, our PO gave a special needs talk recently about not listening to the things we hear about witnesses, I was hoping he would have the courage to speak about the molestation stuff but he didnt, rather it was a 15 minute damage control part. I have book study tonight and I literally get sick to my stomach when we go over the stuff in the revelation book, my only hope is that one day those of us that pointed out stuff like I did when I was a teen ager about the last generation stuff that we will finally breathe a sigh of relief. I know Jehovah is a patient and loving God but I also know that he gets very angry with those who are supposed to be taking the lead and will hold them to a higher standard and they will be accountable. May Jehovah bless those of you who are not bitter but who are also waiting patiently for the day when his house is truly inspected.
well, i'm glad to see your eyes are open. alot of people in here are in your boat. this is a great place for information, and help with personal problems.
you'll see that the society is wrong about us. alot of people here have loved ones still in. alot are like me, they love the witnesses, just hate their headship.
Welcome to the forum, patient. Stick around, and we'll learn a lot from one another.
Patientbro, welcome to the discussion forum! I've enjoyed your first posts.
Has it been your experience that when the organization says "wait on Jehovah", they really mean "shut up about it, we'll get around to it whenever we feel like it, but if you talk too much you'll get in trouble"?
Welcome patientbrother, you have my sympathy. However, the true heart of a man soon betrays him to his brothers. Plan well, execute well, friend. You will get lots of ideas on how to get out of this KH mess and hopefully save you family, too.
Mazel Tov on finding the best forum about JW's on the Internet.