Judge is lenient on Jehovah witness paedophile from somerset uk
Anger over paedophile's sentence
by Keyboard22 21 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
This judge should not be allowed on the bench!
I wonder how the judge would react if people started to accuse him of being a pedo empathizer or apologist.
Maybe then he would understand the gravity of letting a known serial pedo walk free
You have got to be kidding me An 18month old baby? WTF
Pleads guilty to 25 counts and gets a three year rehab. sentence? The judges handling these types of cases are way of base when it comes to sentencing these sexual predators.
Golf -
And when the offender violates terms of probation and re-offends, the judge should be sentenced alongside Mr Porter for obstruction of justice.
That is completely obscene!!!!!! But there are quite a few judges over here in the states that give child rapists and molesters a slap on the wrist. My wife's step dad was convicted of second degree child rape and given probabtion. During the probabtion he molested her niece but her mom did not report him since in her words "He has been through enough allready". Beyond pathetic.
That is part of the progressive movement to label a criminal as having a sickness vs behaving outside of what society deems normal, healthy and safe behavior. And then to confuse my brain even more someone over here abuses or neglects a dog and they get sentenced 6 mo to year.
We hear the term "The wild west" conotating roving bands of outlaws that used run loose 150 yrs ago when the west was being settled. I don't know about the rest of you but in hindsight that was a very safe time to be living compared to now. Back then being an executioner was a full time job. Rob a bank your hung, murder someone your hung, molest a child your hung. I doubt they even had the term "repeat offender" back then. It's hard to repeat a crime when you are dead.
Is that why they are referred to as the "good old days"?
Horrible! JWs get the light sentences, they get to enjoy gag orders on pedophiles, court victory after court victory. Just who is running this organoization??????
That's disgusting! Please tell me his community service has nothing to do with children or religion, preferably digging latrines.
what do you think of this: http://www.syracuse.com/poststandard/stories/index.ssf?/base/news-11/118768672384100.xml&coll=1 (not a jw but still totally unjust) They had comments up yesterday but it looks like they've been removed. Ignorant people kept saying he shouldn't have to move. -