I Get A Kick Out Of How JWs are Scared To Death of Dying At Armageddon

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Then by that definition, all fundies are "insane".

  • minimus

    Um, I hope that's tobacco.

  • free2think

    i can definitely see the fear on your face IP.

  • IP_SEC

    Yes it is min...

    free, that was the best worried face I can make

  • Insomniac

    Minimus, quite a few of my family and friends, the people I love, are active witnesses. Sorry, I can't see the humor in the situation.

  • Anti-Christ

    It is sad wen we see the people we love live under such fear. Like JT, I sometimes ask myself if it is not a form of "mental illness".

  • minimus

    Yeah...let's justify to ourselves how they must be. Mentally ill. Insane. Sorry, but these are basically mentally lazy people. Not mentally ill.

  • JamesThomas
    Then by that definition, all fundies are "insane".

    Exactly. Insanity is to separate oneself from Reality and live in delusion. It's not rocket science. Insanity is prevalent in society, as most people have absolutely no ability to differentiate between what is mind generated interpretation and abstract illusion, and what is genuine Reality. They live their whole life (if we can even call it life) in the side-show of the mind, never actually meeting with the vibrant depths of Life and Reality in and around them. I know, because I too spent much of existence in illusion. I'm quite familiar with it, I know it when I see it. Don't feel threatened dear Min, we see differently, is all. If you see no sense in anything I say, I'm just a fool after all. j

  • theMartian

    I think it's funny how you take our excitement at the coming Day as fear! You need to grow up- or go to Pair-of-Dice Cafe where you will be right at home! How can one be afraid of it- if you have FAITH? Aha! That's why you don't understand- faith, to you, is glorifying yourself!


    The Mad One!


  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Faith in deliberate corruption is exciting, mentally healthy and beneficial for a individual......come on !

    Corruption makes corruption

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