This won't be a long-winded post; just a "quickie", and mostly meant for those still active:
I find it odd that Jehovah's Witnesses don't find anything odd about how 'new light' is distributed. I mean - if this new light comes from Jehovah God Himself, the Creator of the universe and everything in it, wouldn't it be fair to say that it would happen more like in this story:
- A father tells the story to his kids about what happened to their mother, and why/how she died. However - since they are only small children, he doesn't tell them any details they wouldn't understand, and that would only hurt them. However - as time goes by and they grow up, he starts to embellish the story to include details, because they are now old enough to understand it, and mature enough to deal with it. And so the story gets longer and more detailed, but it's still the same story.
It would be quite strange if - as the years went by - he would tell one version, then go back on it and tell it a little differently, then go back to the original version, then add something, then retract that 'something', and so on and so forth. If one day the story would say she died in a car crash, then that she killed herself, then that she was killed by a burglar, then that she died in a car crash again....?
-It would seem natural that if God gave His own people new knowledge as time progresses and they are ready to hear it, that He would elaborate on the same things He had told them before, and not go back and forth and add details that He later retracted etc.
Why does this not resonate in the JW mind?
"Well - the FDS consists of fallible human beings; they are not perfect". Well - were the writers of the Bible perfect? They were merely human as well. And yet we are to take the Bible as the literal word of God, because it was inspired. I'm aware that we aren't to expect any miracles since after the apostles died away, but since we're now living at the very very very end of all time, before Armageddon and the new paradise - most likely the most important time in human history - wouldn't it be natural to assume that God's own Faithful and Discreet Slave would be given accurate info in a progressing fashion as time moved on, only embellishing on the info they already had learned?
"But the FDS aren't inspired at all - they've said so lately, so this doesn't apply anymore."
Oh - then why would we listen to them in the first place?