Just to let you know

by Rethinking 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Apostate Kate2
    Apostate Kate2

    Good for you! That is not an easy decision to make. I always have believed that it benifits us in the long run to live, speak, and walk in authentic truth no matter what happens. Some just can't leave the JWs for family reasons and have to hide their true self which is so sad and I imagine conflicting and frustrating.

    Life only gets better after leaving. May have some real rocky paths to walk but your not on it alone.


  • snowbird

    Good for you! I know it isn't easy, but I'll bet it was harder for you to pretend to go along with the program.

    JWD is a good place to be; I know I'm glad I found it.


  • lisavegas420
  • truthsearcher
    But, the thing is no matter how big or small a lie is, it is still a lie and JWs continue to swallow them down. It kills me that they say they have the truth, but they wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and smacked them in the face. I think knowing that one thing alone will help me continue in my journey away from it all.

    In John 8:32 we read the famous words of Jesus “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

    This takes on a whole new meaning when you have uncovered the lies and deception of the Watchtower (anad I know that you have been doing some research, good for you!)

    In context, though, this verse is explaining the true path to eternal life that will free us from the penalty of death that we have earned as the wages of our sin. Along with repentance this includes accepting Jesus Christ as our Saviour for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus went on to say in verse 36: “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” Remember Jesus said that HE was the Truth, not some organization.

    We know that the Witnesses like to equate leaving their organization with leaving Jehovah, but this is simply not true. You have never said if you are still interested in spiritual things, but I would like to encourage you to keep reading and studying your Bible without the WT scales on your eyes (use a better version than the NWT). You will be amazed at the way they have twisted Scripture to fit their doctrines, and will see that it teaches that you can have a heavenly hope and a personal relationship with Christ.

    All the best with your exit, and let us know how things are going for you.

  • Rethinking

    Truthsearcher, yes, I am still interested in spiritual things. And I continue to read the Bible, only a New Revised Standard. Don't know how good a version it is, but I will explore others.


  • erandir

    Good for you!

    If you need anything...just ask!

  • Hermano

    Congrats dude!

  • legalchickie

    I am so very happy to hear you made that decision. I have been out for about 3 years now but I just found this forum and I am so happy to connect with others on here that truly do understand what it is like, really like in the organization. My eyes are now fully open and yours will be too.

    The more you learn about what JWs are really about, you will begin to have peace in your life and can truly have your life back!!

    Stay in touch and let us know how you are doing.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Rethinking - congrats to you and welcome to the rest of your life!

    There will be times when it's hard or you will miss someone and it may get you down. When that happens, just think back on the things that made you realize that the "troof" was not the truth. Someone here if not everyone will have been in your shoes and you will always find and understanding hear (or eyes)

    Keep your chin up and enjoy living your life the way you want to live it, not how others demand you to live it!


  • Mum

    Welcome to freedom! Freedom doesn't come on a silver platter, but it's worth the effort to keep it. Congratulations!

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