I find it's always interesting to listen in on never-been-JW's when they are discussing the "Je-ho's". Enjoy :
Glory Be! I'm Invited to "Follow The Christ!"
by SixofNine 14 Replies latest jw friends
oops, sorry folks. I can access the thread directly, but not when I link to it from JWD.
The actual URL is: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=105&topic_id=6675219&mesg_id=6675219
I think it may be archived by now so that only members can see it? Not really sure why it's not working.
Sorry to lead you on; it is pretty funny stuff.
Let's try it this way:
LaraMN (1000+ posts)
Mon Jul-02-07 04:40 PM
Original messageWell glory be! My summer is redeemed! I'm invited to "Follow the Christ!" The Je-ho's must've stopped by, because I just found a flier in my door "cordially invit(ing)" me to the district convention of Jehovah's Witnesses, featuring advice on how I might oppose the devil and gain everlasting life. It also features a "full-costume bible drama."
Now the only question that remains to be pondered is whether I should dress up as a naughty shepherdess, or as a giant, walking copy of the Watchtower..."I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're going and hook up with them later."- Mitch Hedberg http://momsmellslikevodka.blogspot.com
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I am my own thread.
I think everyone was busy staring at your neck.
6 o' 9.
some nice humor in the thread titles. I did not get my invitation to "follow the christ" this year. So at least no one can say I declined.
Last year a 13/14 year old blonde boy caught me on a ladder painting. "Don't stop painting!" he commanded with a self-assurance way beyond his years(probably an elder's boy). "I'll just put this invitation under the floor mat." After he left I peaked at the invitation. I had to google the location, a convention center in Katy, TX, west of Houston just 350 miles from my home. No meeting times were given, just dates. What if I had driven to Katy? Would I have found a motel room within 50 miles? Were there any seats saved for handbill respondees at the convention center? Would I have been given a visitor's packet with a printout of the Kingdom Songs, JW codewords, and proper assembly decorum? Did the Watchtower really expect anyone to respond to such a vague invitation from a pre-pubescent lad? Are any of these campaigns a modern-day fulfillment of the seven trumpet blasts mentioned in Revelation? or the seven bowls? or seven lamp stands? or a partridge in a pear tree?
Worked for me six, I liked this one:
I was impressed with how clean-cut Jesus looks these days -- nice, trimmed beard, hair cut just about the collar line -- he could be a male model for a Sears catalog circa 1973!
My Jesus hook-up will be at The Cow Palace in Daly City. Guess the venue takes him back to his manger "roots"."Jesus hook up" lol
Would I have been given a visitor's packet with a printout of the Kingdom Songs, JW codewords, and proper assembly decorum? Did the Watchtower really expect anyone to respond to such a vague invitation from a pre-pubescent lad? Are any of these campaigns a modern-day fulfillment of the seven trumpet blasts mentioned in Revelation? or the seven bowls? or seven lamp stands? or a partridge in a pear tree?
Allthese comments on that board crack me up. Here's some great ones:
Q: "What's the deal with 'THE Christ' and just Christ?"
A: "I don't know, but it's reminiscent of the whole "follow the bouncing ball" thing."
Jump in a cab and yell "Follow that Christ!"
Apparently we will bear witness to "precious gems from the sermon on the mount."
I really would go, it's just that I have pressing obligations at home, such as sitting on my couch, going to the bathroom, and using the new crayons before the kids mush up all the tips.
"Full-costume Bible dramas" are probably responsible for more people straying from the faith than anything else.
Especially the ones who dress as sheep.
Isn't that damn thing done yet?