This needs a new topic because now I have the step mother hitting my grandson on his penis. So I have reported this and Social Services are calling our eight year old grandson a liar. They told the maternal grandmother not to ask questions about the weekend visits with his Dad. The boy's attorney (gal) will only enforce a C.H.I.P.S. petion if social services asks him to. My son picks him up today and is suppose to get him for a week. My grandson doesn't want to go. I am speechless. Now what? The mother's attorney said not to take the boy to the doctor so much. What do you do when my grandson is crying that his penis hurts? The doctor could not get out of my grandson why it was hurting so nothing was reported. My grandson just started to talk about it. Who do I turn to ?
what to do? Grandson being beaten by JW stepmother
by slvrtrixter 10 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
CALL THE POLICE. This is SEXUAL ABUSE of a CHILD. Let them investigate.
If Child Protection Services are not doing their job, then the Police will do it for them.
What Scully said!
Do it NOW!
Attorneys are not law enforcement officials; they are paid to protect the interests of their client. An attorney who tells you not to take your grandson to the doctor when you see fit is overstepping his bounds, particularly when he is the attorney for your adversary. Protect the child's interests and do not listen to people who have no right to tell you what to do. That attorney needs to be reported to the local bar association for a breach of ethics, IMHO.
Your grandson has his own attorney / guardian ad litem. Did you report to the child's attorney what his stepmom's attorney said about "not taking him to the doctor so much"? You need to do that.
When you don't get satisfaction from bureaucrats, ask to talk to their supervisor. Keep going until you reach the highest levels of management if you must.
Please don't let these people intimidate you. Please do the right thing for the person who needs protection. You are all he has.
It might help if you were able to convince the poor little guy to tell the doctor all the details. Then ask the doctor to document his medical findings and the information he collected from the boy, and ask him to report it to the authorities immediately.
No, No, No!! Wait until you have two witnesses!!! Follow the Bible. The Bible says you need two witnesses. Don't worry, Jehovah will take care of everything in the New System. No need to act rashly. Inform the elders and leave the matter in their capable hands. Oh, and pray too, but not so much for resolution as for strength to wait on Jehovah. you know the rest of the script...
Seriously though. A DOCTOR should be consulted. Let me repeat this: A DOCTOR should be consulted, both a general practitioner and a Psychiatrist. They are trained to be able to tell whether there is abuse or not. Let me spell it out for you: D-O-C-T-O-R! -
Call the police before the father comes to pick him up. Where is his mother? Has she spoken to his father and stepmother?
Call the Police... Social Services in most cases does well.. but.. they have also been known to leave children with their abusers...
While working at a family counselling/treatment center some years ago.. I witnessed many sad cases of children being returned to parents by social workers. These parents had no right to have them. It broke my heart..
Call the Police!
I put a police report in and called the grandson's mothers' attorney and was able to stop the weekend visit and week visit. Now my son is going to charge her with contempt of court. Human Services are questioning our son and his wife this week. But know one believes the boy. My son is such a liar and I don't feel confident we will get any where. Now what?