This is amazing!
What Do You Think of This Little Girl?
by journey-on 16 Replies latest jw friends
Too creepy. I checked out after a minute.
How sad that she can't accept her own talent and thinks it's "god".
the whole "god" thing is creepy must admit the girl has incredible talent. If you had watched the whole video, you would have seen the rest of the beautiful paintings. Too bad for the religious references.
I have no artistic talent whatsoever, never graduating much past stick figures. Those who are artistically talented (including my little brother and his ex-wife) tell me that people are incredibly hard to draw lifelike, this young lady (very young ...10 years old?!) has not only a has mastered painting humans, but is very articulate too, despite her constant references to God.
She reminds me of those adults that are always "god this" and "god that", using God as a word whisker to amplify their personal piety..... yikes.... a few dubs I have known are like that.
Snakes ()
Tyrone van leyen
She is an amazingly gifted artist. On my music thread, I posted a section of child prodigies. Down below is another another example of an extraordinarily gifted child making reference to god at the end of her amazing number. This reference to God really bugs me too. I suppose its a childs way of explaining how they can do things other kids can't. It must be nice to be so favoured by the almighty. It must make them feel real special inside. It's not their fault for thinking this way, but if their is a God, he sure has a digusting way of disproportionatly handing out amazing gifts randomly to a few, and giving nothing but shit to others, like the kid Yousiff, in Iraq ,who got his face burned off by thugs while he was playing outside his home. Sorry God, if your there, but do I not speak truth.Enjoy!
I think she is amzingly talented, but its shame that she has not been told that, all she is had by the looks of it is brain washing and told that it is a gift from god, god is painting through her etc.
She has an amazing talent. It's just too bad that she doesn't take credit for her own talent.
I've read some stuff about the so-called Indigo and Crystal children and I'm rather skeptical of anything that puts a label like that on kids. Listening to this girl talk, it's apparent that she's been taught that she's "special" and "chosen" and superior to normal kids because of it. Hopefully nobody ever gives her a smackdown.
I saw her on a morning news show and was immediately bored..I don't know why.
This is precisely what's wrong with religion. You create value, and then give credit to God (or God takes the credit). And Jehovah's Witlesses are especially bad about this: They feel that we have no talent that God didn't give us, and hence we should always give Jehovah the credit if we create any value. And yet, if we fail in some way because of an inherent shortcoming (which come from the same God as our talents), the Witlesses are programmed to take the blame themselves for such.
She is definitely talented.
But her repeated references to God and that God gave only her this talent, sounds demonic to me.