I just can't feel bad for someone that would harm an animal or a person.
NOW I get you. Thanks for the clarification.
by Numinous 17 Replies latest jw friends
I just can't feel bad for someone that would harm an animal or a person.
NOW I get you. Thanks for the clarification.
My husband and I discussed this situation regarding Michael Vick and of course like many find it apalling what he has done.
However, his punishment regarding what he has done to the animals should not be more that what many domestic and sexual abusers, mass murderers, killers, and drunken drivers receive.
There should be a limit of putting an animals' life over the value of a human life. And many people who have killed, murdered, and sexually abused other humans are walking around in public, out on bail, committing the same offenses over and over again.
The same way Micael Vick has been vilified and punished because of what he has done, so should all others (black, white, asian, hispanic) should be hunted down and punished and vilified for animal cruelty and animal fights.
It seems there are a lot of persons involved in these type sof practices (all races) and that only one race is being hunted down and punished currently.
Now the authorities are going after a black rapper for this same type of offense and rightly so. But I am sure there are many of other races ( white, hispanic, asian, etc) involved in this same type of animal cruelty and I do not hear from the public a vilified outcry or see any of the authorities going after these people also.
Call it pulling the 'race card' if you want, but this is the reality in this country.
However, his punishment regarding what he has done to the animals should not be more that what many domestic and sexual abusers, mass murderers, killers, and drunken drivers receive.
I agree with you on this principle.
There should be a limit of putting an animals' life over the value of a human life. And many people who have killed, murdered, and sexually abused other humans are walking around in public, out on bail, committing the same offenses over and over again.
Instead of putting a limit on the punishment for these kind of offenses , perhaps we should reexamine the value we put on human life, and change the way we handle those that place little value on the latter.
The same way Micael Vick has been vilified and punished because of what he has done, so should all others (black, white, asian, hispanic) should be hunted down and punished and vilified for animal cruelty and animal fights.
Here is where I start to differ with you, IMO the vilification and out rage is a result of most people's feelings for the victims here . People in the west tend to view dogs as pets , and as such under our care , and also in most cases CUTE. They fall into the same emotional category as our kids in that, for the most part, we tend to view them as innocent parties . If this was a white football player , I think we'd see a similar reaction . The only difference we might see would be the non-pulling of the race card.
However, if instead of a dog fighting ring it was a cock fighting ring , the doubt we would see near this reaction. We don't see chickens as cute but instead see them more as food.
Now the authorities are going after a black rapper for this same type of offense and rightly so. But I am sure there are many of other races ( white, hispanic, asian, etc) involved in this same type of animal cruelty and I do not hear from the public a vilified outcry or see any of the authorities going after these people also.
I'm sure your experience has shaped this view, but personally I'd feel the same about this crime no matter what color the perpetrator was.
Hi Ringo:
Thanks for your response and views. I truly appreciate and respect your views.
However, I noticed that you are located in Canada.
Well, I do not really know how blacks are treated in Canada, but there is a sentiment here in the US among many African Americans (not all) that African Americans are treated differently by the police, court systems, etc when it comes to various crimes. Many Africian Americans are unjustly beaten, arrested, convicted, jailed and given death sentences for the same crimes as committed by whites and other races in this country- and the statistics prove this to be true.
So now, when we see the authorities (right so going after persons committing cruelty against animals and it currently in the new it is only African Americans) when we know for a certain this practice is being committed by many other races in this country, it makes us sick to our stomachs.
African Americans in this country are tired of being the scapegoats and punching bags of the authorities because of the color of our skin, our economic or educational levels and tired of others being given special treatment or let off legally.
This is the reality in this Country and has been so since slavery times...........it has not stopped.
This is not a race issue at least IMO. ....this is an a....hole..a jerk...a pathetic fool. He had it all and I hope he loses it all. I feel the same way about Lohan, Spears and the rest of the celebrities who get paid well to entertain us and decide to abuse that payment by not only abusing themselves but also the law. Understanding a difficult upbringing is one thing - allowing torture and cruelty of animals or humans because of that upbringing is a cop out. The Couey guy just got sentenced to death in the Lumsford case - he had a pathetic upbringing and was a poor drug addict - he deserves what he got and hopefully they won't hold on to him for another 2 years. I hope that every single person involved in the Vick dog fighting ring get fingered and charged - no matter what color they are, no matter how much money they do or don't have - sammieswife.
I do believe there has been a few instances where blacks do get treated differently, but it is completely blown out of proportion. It seems to me anymore that everytime a black athlete or person gets in trouble the race card gets brought up over and over. Everytime I see a black athlete get in a brawl or get in trouble I always say to myself I wonder how long for the race card gets brought out.
I dont like it when people are using the wife abusers and other stuff and the time they serve and compare it to this situation. Yes they should serve longer terms, but when people use this comparison it is like there trying to cut down his jail time. I agree competely, but it shouldnt be used for this reason.
Black people have tons of black athletes that are role models that stay out of trouble, so why stick up for every single one that gets in trouble?
Another question is do black people hate animals? I watched cnn and seen the protestors against vick holding up signs, and I dont believe I seen one black person with a sign. WHYYY? Is it because of color of skin?
IN the nfl offseason if a black athlete gets caught with a pound of weed, he is not in trouble because of being black, he is in trouble because of the weed.
Bottom line you dont want to get in trouble dont commit the crime.
Look at the infamous oj simpson trial. Blacks were jumping up and down in the streets when they read the verdict, and till this day many blacks say they he was guilty, so why the celebration? I kinda of glad of the verdict though, I couldnt imagine the riots if otherwise.
Sorry for the sarcasm just get tired of hearing it. It is just a skin color it dont commit the crime for you
The reason why I invoked the 'race card' in this situation is not because Vick should not be punished or the rapper that has supposedly committed the same type of offense. It is because there are others, not of the African American or black race that have been engaged in this type of animal cruelty for years, and to date- nothing is being done about it. No publicity, no charges, etc. Yet all we see currently in the news about this type of animal cruelty is about Vick and now this rapper.
Also, your comment "I do believe there has been a few instances where blacks do get treated differently, but it is completely blown out of proportion".- is highly underestimated. There are so many statistics and facts that show more than a few instances of blacks in this country in jail unjustly, sentenced to extreme years in incarceration ,and many unjustly sentenced to death more than any other race..
I do not understand why there were no or not many blacks protesting, as many of my friends and members of my family have had and have pets they love. But it may be that because Vick is Black and the unfairness many blacks have suffered in this country and currently still suffer, that many blacks are not speaking out in a public protest. However, if you go on the Black America website- the Tom Joyner Show you will see how Black America really feels about this entire Vick situation.