Tell us your crazy dreams...

by exwitless 14 Replies latest social humour

  • exwitless

    Another topic talking about the dubs fear of Armageddon reminded me of a pretty scary dream I had as a dub:

    I was in a doctor's office waiting to be called in (I know, that's scary enough!), and there were windows along one wall floor to ceiling. There was some sort of emergency siren going off, and I looked out the window to see what was happening. Way out in the distance, I could see huge clouds of dust rolling towards us very quickly. There was lightning and things being pelted to the earth out of the sky. By the looks of it, I knew it was Armageddon.

    So I start screaming, "JEHOVAH IS COMING!!! JEHOVAH IS COMING!!!" And everyone starts running around in a panic. I was scared out of my pants, and I knew there would be nowhere to hide. So I just crouched down and covered my head and waited for the Jehovah storm to pass over me. I thought to myself 'OK, this is it, it all comes down to this second...'

    Then suddenly it was quiet and peaceful, and I was standing in "Paradise", breathing a huge sigh of relief.

    I know, it's dumb, but it was a pretty vivid dream.

    Another dream I had that I'll never forget was after I saw one of the Star Wars movies in the theater when I was a kid. I had a terrible nightmare that white stormtroopers suddenly invaded our house and took away my parents and brother and sister, but I managed to hide from them. It was very scary-I was probably less than 9 years old at the time.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey, Exw!

    My all-time favorite:

    A relative's female boss directing us into a scary and dark cave to see several illumed, quadruple amputees sitting atop giant cans of tuna. Might have been albacore.

    Most of the time I pass through my nightly dreamscapes in flight. So routine.


  • knock knock
    knock knock

    CoCo...I think you win. That's like crazy crazy. I'd sure like to hear "the meaning" of that one.

    exwitless...I used to have similar dreams of an army invading but it was just regular army not souped up out of this world storm troopers. I'll bet most dubs have had similar dreams at some time. Most assuredly little kids have.

  • purplesofa

    wow, funny you should mention

    I had a dream this am,

    I drove past a KH in another town and there were these lot/plots all along the road the hall was on. Like huge garden areas. A sister I know was telling me they had a lot across from the hall and I knew she was not lying cuz they have some brickwork around the lot that I recognized to be her husbands work.

    That was the dream, wonder what it means?


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    When I was a kid, say younger than 7, I had a recurring dream involving the kingdom hall. I would walk into it, no one was there, and it was dimly lit. I had an extreme sense of foreboding, bordering on panic. As I walked into the hall, I turned to the right down the sloped auditorium, and then the closet on the left side of the stage opened, and my older sister came out. She would look at me across the room, glaring and snarling, and then I would feel a tingling sensation along my spine, and she would start talking in a manly deep, computerized evil voice and laughing. That's all I remember, but I had that dream several times.

    Another one I had I would walk down to our 120 year old barn that was falling apart. The barn had character--an arched roof with a loft like they used to build. On the right side of the barn was a hallway that ran the length of the barn. Now, as I came to the hallway, I noticed that the creek from the "bull pasture" had somehow began flowing through this hallway.

    I had my rubber boots on, so I walked down through the creek water, and into the hallway. As I looked down into the dirt below the ankle depth watter, I remember seeing a ladder in the dirt, or rather, a dirt made ladder of the size a mouse might use. It was molded into the dirt, and running in the direction of the water. I began following this dirt ladder, down through the hallway. I became so intensely concentrated on the ladder that I didn't realize I had walked through where the wall should have been and was out in the pasture, following this dirt ladder.

    After walking perhaps a mile, I began getting the same foreboding as in the first dream, and I look up. I didn't know where I was, and I was frightened. I began running through the field in the direction I thought the house was. At this point, I hear the high pitched whoop of coyotes, and see them coming from the edge of the woods and begin to chase me.

    I run as hard as I can, and out run the coyotes, and make it to the barn, even though I was headed for the house. I crawl into the loft, and then I see the most horrific thing of the dream, a fly that is about 15 feet tall, and buzzing loud enough to vibrate my jaw bones. I know it's about to pounce on me.

    And then I wake up. I had this dream numerous times in my childhood.

  • exwitless

    Wow, John Doe. That huge fly thing sounds terrifying. I wonder what the deal is with the tiny dirt ladder.

    I had a very scary dream a few years ago. I was kidnapped while I was walking on a sidewalk by about 3 nasty men. They blind-folded me and took me back to their nasty house. There was already another woman there whom they had tied to the bed and they repeatedly raped her (I didn't see it but I could hear what was going on.) So I'm being guarded in another room by one of the guys who had a machine gun. I knew I was going to be "next" and I was terrified beyond description.

    The guy that was guarding me dozed off finally, and I decided to try to make my escape. There was a flimsy screen door right next to him. So I tiptoed past him and got out to the yard. All around the yard was a nicely trimmed hedge of bushes, about 3 feet tall. I had to stay crouched down until I could crawl around to the front where there was a gap in the hedges. So I'm army-crawling (scared s**tless) and I'm thinking 'I'm just about there' when all the sudden, I'm face to face with a pair of black military type boots.

    Oh, god, they caught me. So I very slowly look up from the boots, up the legs, up to the stomach of this guy standing there. I just about see his face when he shot me in the face with his gun! The instant he shot me, my dream went black like I was just dead.

    I was never so glad to wake up in my own bed as I was then!

  • 5go

    My recuring good dreams.

    1 Wondering around adventuring with friends though now more often not strangers through a mythical place.

    2 In a mall shopping.

    3 Wondering around a metropolus.

    4 Traveling to a far away city

    5 Fighting a in war

    6 TG

    My recuring bad dreams.

    1 Trapped in a cave while having an adventure

    2 Getting pulled out of a mall

    3 Falling off a weirdly designed bridge in a metropolis

    4 Running away to a far away city

    5 Dying in a war.

    6 For some reason TG dreams never really turn out bad. Though usauly involve unacceptance from some one else.

  • Stephanus

    The meds I'm on have caused me to start dreamig pretty-well whenever my eyes are closed (dozing, anyway). And vividly. However, because I've been dreaming so much, the storylines are becoming more mundane. And I also get what I call the "Gilligan's Island Syndrome"; where I'll wake up actually physically performing the last action I dreamt.

    I once was sitting here, in front of the computer and dozed off for a few seconds. I dreamt my wife was next to me, bending over to get something out of a cupboard. I leant over to bite her bottom (hey, it's a dream, Okay!). I suddenly snapped awake and found myself leaning over, with my mouth wide open.

  • 5go

    I have a lot of premonition dreams

    Ones where my dream causes me to fall on in time for me to wake up to find head hitting something because my arm slipped. Stuipid KH chairs.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    So I just crouched down and covered my head and waited for the Jehovah storm to pass over me. I thought to myself 'OK, this is it, it all comes down to this second...'

    Then suddenly it was quiet and peaceful, and I was standing in "Paradise", breathing a huge sigh of relief.

    What? You skipped the decades of cleaning up child corpses and preparing the land?

    I don't remember most of my dreams.

    But there's one dream that I've had for years. I remember having it when I was like 9 or so, and I've had it off and on till now. But even though I've had it at least twice a year for the past 9 or more years I can never remember what on earth it was about!

    I remember being in a huge open space, it's just a red glowing floor, the floor is squishy like a trampoline with an inch of jello on top, so it's hard to walk.

    The sky is red with black clouds. And there are long spikes hanging down. (Dunno from where, there's no roof, just dark sky.) And spikes sticking up from the ground.

    There are HUGE metal cylinders and spheres rolling all over the place. I have some control of where they roll, with my mind, but it's hard.

    It's almost like a game.

    Now the weird part:

    You know that twisted-stomach feeling you get when you lose something really important and you know you'll never get it back? (Like somebody elses prized possession and YOU just lost it? Or the antidote for the venom of the snake that just bit you?)

    When the metal objects bang into each other I get that feeling, REALLY STRONG, I feel like I just lost something super important, as if my life depended on it. I can only sort of control them, so I'm standing there trying to telekinetically keep these huge things from touching anything else.

    Normally two really big cylinders will be drawn to each other and I'll be trying to keep them from it, they finally touch and I feel like my whole life just crashed around me and I wake up all hot and sweaty and scared out of my wits... Then I look around to make sure everything's okay (Even though I have no idea what the problem is to begin with.) and realize that I don't even know why it scared me...

    For the record I'm not afraid of metal cylinders or spheres, so I don't know what the big deal is with them when I'm asleep. And it's so totally random I have no idea why I keep dreaming the same thing, always getting the same gut wrenching feeling, it always ends the same way, and I'm always scared out my wits for no known reason.

    I get the impression that while I was dreaming I knew exactly what I was supposed to do and why, but once I wake up I forget.

    Okay, there you go, that's my crazy dream. Any experts out there who can explain it?


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