Are any other congregations of JWs up to such ridiculous pranks to try to trick their local community. Turns out that we are to distribute this silly invitation to our local 'Helldom Hall' to mag routes, RVs and any other 'mentally vulnerable' individuals in the local community. I have never, in any cong that me an my family have ever been in had to do something so silly. I think they might come if it's a cheese and wine party but otherwise I'm hoping that with all the bad publicity we JWs are getting at the moment most people will run a mile before coming to the Hall! At least I hope so!
Open Day!!!
by Sister Mansells Revenge 13 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to the forum, Mansells! This is certainly a new one on me, but then I've been out for about 15 years. When I was in there were no tables of literature at the mall or at the airport, either. To me that is as silly as this invitation, but all of it is designed to draw in the vulnerable innocent. You have to hope people will know better, but you know what they say, there's one born every minute.
Only time I've ever seen that is for an Open House day of a new Kingdum Hall.
Good grief! Now I'm certain they ARE indeed desperate - Though I've been 'out' since the late 60's. I began my association with the JW's in the late 40's and have never seen this one pulled on the public. I'm now truly convinced they will try more stunts like this to try and build their numbers .
I never heard of such a thing.
Sister Mansells Revenge
Thank you for the Welcome!!
I have been reading this site for many years now !
This invitation is printed on photo paper and impeccable quality.
As with Jehovah's Witnesses the outside looks good, but inside is a case of the contents of white washed graves!
This is not a new Kingdom Hall opening! It is a ridiculous con and attempt to look respectable.
That doesn't even make sense. It's not like the meetings are normally closed to the public. I guess they figure someone may not want to come to a 2 hour meeting, but they may want to stop by and check the place out?
Welcome to the Board
Is there any information as to what is going to go on at the "Open Day"?
Once a year in my neck of the woods (and I'm sure this happens in other areas too) churches have festivales or open house and invite the community but usually there's food, drink, games, bouncers for the kids, climbing walls, sometimes hot air ballons, etc.
I really doubt that hall will do anything like that and it will be a boring time for all.
Sad emo
Maybe it's an easy way to count some extra time for someone!
Pity(?) about the timing with the paedophile case in the news though. It could affect the number of visitors - fewer out of disgust or more, out of curiosity, possibly some who might want to cause trouble.