One thing that always bothered me when I was a witness, was that the main thing you were admired for was how much time you got in the service each month, how many times you commented at meetings, whether you hung out with " spiritual " people, and your approval was based on how you were advancing in the faith based on your position, regular or auxilarry pioneer, ministerial servant or elder. If you weren't any of those things, even if you did good to or for others, it was not noticed.
If joe publisher sitting in the corner went and mowed sister old ladies yard in 100 degree heat out of love it was not emphasized, because it didn't really fit in with the agenda the elders or governing body deems important as being for the advancement of kingdom interests. The governing body has a set list of certain things they consider makes a person a " christian " and believe me, it has nothing to do with how you act, or whether you are a loving , kind, christlike acting person. It has become all about what you put out production wise for the church, not real love.
So it should not surprise us to see witnesses not acknowledging any good , decent things we do for others on the outside of the org. because they ignore a lot of good their no name publishers do on the inside of the organization. During Katrina and other disasters witnesses are so willing to pat themselves on the back about "helping" their people in need, as if they were the only humans on earth doing it. Thousands of decent loving people helped during Katrina, crossing over racial differences to do so. It just disgusts me they are so self satisfied in their assessment of themselves. What have you guys or gals seen over the years that back up what I'm saying here? I was raised in the org. and saw a lot. Would like to hear your thoughts please. Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper