Please Welcome the Following Newbie ...

by snowbird 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird
    bluesmurf92Re: Destroying One's Faith

    Post 1 of 1
    since 24-Aug-07

    38 y 3 m 5 d
    I don't know if it's ok for me, a Newbie, to start here. If not, please tell me where to go. My dad was a JW back in the early 70's. He tried to teach us their "irrefutable" doctrine. I couldn't understand the things he was saying (the Earth is 6,000 years old, 144,000 will go to Heaven, Jesus is not God, the world would end in 1975, etc). A few years ago, one of my best friends became a JW. And he too tried to teach me. But again, I couldn't understand. He told me it was very important to believe that Jesus died on a stake instead of a cross. I couldn't understand why it was so important to focus on how Jesus died, instead of why. I kept telling him "You strain at gnats but swallow a camel". Both of them tell me only JW's have the truth, and everyone who is not a Jehovah's Witness does not. And somehow, it was vital for me to question my belief, but equally vital for them (or me) to not question theirs. I never got along with my Dad, and now I don't get along with this friend either, because I couldn't accept that "they have the Truth". But I can't follow a religion that contradicts itself & keeps changing its doctrine, but still claims to be true

    Good to have you here, bluesmurf92.


  • Stealth453

    Welcome bluesmurf92.

    Glad to have you here with the rest of us.

  • brinjen

    So many newbies... it's great! Welcome to JWD bluesmurf92!

  • free2think
  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Bluesmurf, good name, and interesting avatar. Wecome aboard !

  • purplesofa

    welcome to the board


  • dobbie

    Hi Bluesmurf92, welcome and look forward to hearing from you

  • journey-on

    Welcome aboard, Bluesmurf92.

  • WT=watchtrouble

    Welcome - Have a great time

  • RollerDave

    Welcome Blue!

    This is the place, and you are welcome!

    Lots of nice folk here.


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