My dumplings turned out crappy.

by IP_SEC 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dragonlady76

    My husband made some manicotti, it didn't taste so good. and my hubby is an excellent cook, so bad food happens to be best of us.

  • mrsjones5

    This is a old recipe I got from an old Better Homes and Gardern Low Cost Cookbook (1980). It's not like my grandma's but my kids like it, it's the last step to Chicken and Dumplings:

    1 cup flour

    2 teaspoon baking powder

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1/2 cup milk

    2 tablespoons cooking oil

    In a mixing bowl stir together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Combine the milk, and cooking oil; add milk mixture all at once to dry ingredients, stirring just till moistened. Drop dumpling dough from tablespoon to make 8 mounds (or whatever number you want) atop bubbling stew.

    It's simple and the dumplings are light but filling.

  • Mary

    Thank you Zizter Zcully. Ah vill geve deze a go!

  • nvrgnbk
    Thank you Zizter Zcully. Ah vill geve deze a go!


  • codeblue

    IP: Bisquick works quite well for making dumplings. That's why I buy it!!!! I have my own buttermilk biscuit recipe and buttermilk pancake recipe, but I love the Bisquick for the chicken and dumpling!!!

  • codeblue

    Nvgrnbk: thanks for the Crackerbarrell recipe!!!

  • TopHat

    Your dumplings turned out crappy and you're from Louisiana IPSEC??

    My Mother and Aunt made the best chicken and dumplings. Unforunately I didn't follow in their foot steps...Wishing I had paid more attention in the kitchen.

  • snowbird

    My mother taught us never to put lard or oil in the flour mixture for dumplings. That will make them heavy and dough-y.


  • snowbird
    Intellectual starvation in the name of physical nutrition!

    Sh-h-h, Terry may be listening!


  • bigdreaux

    IP_SEC, i suggest you just find another cajun queen and let her make them for you.

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