My husband made some manicotti, it didn't taste so good. and my hubby is an excellent cook, so bad food happens to be best of us.
My dumplings turned out crappy.
by IP_SEC 62 Replies latest jw friends
This is a old recipe I got from an old Better Homes and Gardern Low Cost Cookbook (1980). It's not like my grandma's but my kids like it, it's the last step to Chicken and Dumplings:
1 cup flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup milk
2 tablespoons cooking oil
In a mixing bowl stir together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Combine the milk, and cooking oil; add milk mixture all at once to dry ingredients, stirring just till moistened. Drop dumpling dough from tablespoon to make 8 mounds (or whatever number you want) atop bubbling stew.
It's simple and the dumplings are light but filling.
Thank you Zizter Zcully. Ah vill geve deze a go!
Thank you Zizter Zcully. Ah vill geve deze a go!
IP: Bisquick works quite well for making dumplings. That's why I buy it!!!! I have my own buttermilk biscuit recipe and buttermilk pancake recipe, but I love the Bisquick for the chicken and dumpling!!!
Nvgrnbk: thanks for the Crackerbarrell recipe!!!
Your dumplings turned out crappy and you're from Louisiana IPSEC??
My Mother and Aunt made the best chicken and dumplings. Unforunately I didn't follow in their foot steps...Wishing I had paid more attention in the kitchen.
My mother taught us never to put lard or oil in the flour mixture for dumplings. That will make them heavy and dough-y.
Intellectual starvation in the name of physical nutrition!
Sh-h-h, Terry may be listening!
IP_SEC, i suggest you just find another cajun queen and let her make them for you.