jws are causing global warming

by rebel8 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    OK, so I realize we all are causing global warming, etc., etc.

    I was thinking how interesting it is that jws will be—if they’re not already—ranting on about man’s destruction of Earth being the fulfillment of prophecy, blahbety blah blah, all the while they are contributing in a hearty way to the problem. If man is so evil and godless for destroying the earth, what does that make the dubs?

    Paper used for stupid magazines. Yeah, I used to think it was fine to consume as much paper as I want, as long as I recycle. Not so, according to a documentary I watched on the Sundance Channel about the expansion of paper production in Brazil and how harmful it is to the environment, economy, and soil. (I think it’s online at www.sundancechannel.com, The Green series).

    Cows at the wt farm (methane). Hell, why aren’t they all abstaining from beef if they want to set themselves apart from the evil worldly Earth destroyers?

    Emissions at the factories. I wonder how many tons of emissions they produce every day. Oh, I guess they are feeling better about that now that they got a big chunk of change from the energy authority in NY.

    And the list goes on….conventions….travel to conventions…..driving all over the place in field service….polyester suits….pantyhose….

    I wonder if there is a way to calculate their environmental impact.

    Does mother borg make any effort to decrease consumption among the flock?

  • changeling

    I thought Al Gore was behind global warming...


  • jaguarbass

    The Wac Tower has to burn energy to get it's evil message out. If they didnt we wouldnt be here bitching about them and our lives would have been different. Maybe we would be on some other board bitching about something else. Alcohol, drugs, gambling, the corrupt republicans, democrats, etc.

  • Quandry

    Khalls usually do not have windows, either. So no way not to use air conditioning. And speaking of that, I used to get so cold at meetings, my nose would feel like ice. It used to make me mad, and I didn't want to contribute money to finance a place that made me so uncomfortable and used so much electricity.

    Also, the Khall that I went to was pretty new. It had a large parking lot that baked in the hot Texas sun. Why couldn't they have left stips of grass in the parking lot and planted trees to park under for shade? Not one tree was left when they got through clearing the land.

    Also, the hot air that left the platform from pompous windbags surely contributes to global warming!!!

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Good one Quandry

  • bigdreaux

    i actually asked an elder about this. he responded it was okay because everything they use is re-newable.

    he also had the gall to say, it was okay because they would be fixing everything in the new system. double

    i said, well, then, everyone can use that line of reasoning, right? his response..............

  • Hortensia

    yes, I remember witnesses I knew felt recycling and that sort of thing weren't necessary as jehovah was going to wipe out the whole world anyway and make it all new. You know, I just realized what a religion it is for lazy people, they don't have to be responsible for anything, including their own lives. They don't have to think. They don't have to participate in the community. They don't have to be good citizens - they don't vote or do jury duty or other duties of citizens. Lazy....

  • PEC

    What about "Jehovah bring to ruin those ruining the earth" does that not apply to dubs?


  • WTWizard

    Here are some of the ways the Witlesses are putting carbon dioxide into the air:

    (1) They have to cut down trees in large volume to make the paper. This gets shipped long distances to the factory where it makes the magazines.

    (2) The factories themselves burn coal to print out the magazines. And they use huge amounts of electricity.

    (3) Distribution of the magazines wastes energy. They have to be shipped from Brooklyn to the a$$embly Hells. Someone has to drive there to pick up the magazines. And then there is all the gas wasted in the door to door work, which is the single largest contribution of global warming that this religion commits.

    (4) Householders have to let heated or cooled air out of the house to either take the magazines or to tell the Witlesses that they are not interested. And that's on top of the electricity that the door bell uses when the Witless rings it.

    (5) Kingdumb Hells are the most inefficient structures on the planet. Their climate control systems suck, usually either putting out too much heat or cold, or not enough, and often alternating between the two. They often lack windows, and when they do have windows they are usually blinded so that light doesn't enter. So they need lights all the time. They also lack trees that could shade the cars in the parking lot and the building itself (cutting down on air conditioning). And I wonder if the exterior coils on the air conditioners are ever cleaned or maintained. If not, that wastes even more energy.

    (6) All the needless quick builds use energy to produce, transport, and construct the materials into a building. Plenty of energy is wasted on these.

    (7) People often eat at McDonald's or Burger King to keep their time going. Not only does this generate potential health problems for those who do it more than three times a week (and many do it every day), but it generates garbage. Those cups, burger holders, and bags take energy to use and are rarely recycled. Also, all those coffee breaks use disposable cups that consume energy to make and again are rarely if ever recycled. Glass bottles from juice usually end up in the trash (at home, they are recycled and save at least some energy versus producing virgin glass).

    (8) Suit dry cleanings waste gas to get to and from the cleaners plus extra energy to clean the suits. they often go out, using more gas, and the cleaning itself uses electricity plus highly toxic chemicals.

    (9) Shopping for supplies. They use energy to make the supplies, and then you waste more gas to buy them.

    I'm sure there are even more ways that the Watchtower Society contributes to global warming and other pollution issues. And they ridicule Al Gore! At least he isn't trying to use the name of God to get everyone to waste all their gas running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to get those Puketower and Asleep magazines out under threat of getting destroyed at Armageddon for "murder".

  • freeme
    What about "Jehovah bring to ruin those ruining the earth" does that not apply to dubs?

    of course not! the dubs are the good ones and their way to "ruin the earth" is good because its part of spreading the message (at least some percent of the ruining)...

    its completely unlogical, but hey... ive never seen something else in JW land...

    what the funny thing is:

    ive never understoof why this scripture has ANYTHING to do with pollution and global warming. the context doesnt imply it and its way more possible that "ruining the earth" doesnt mean destroying the planet but peaceful society (violence, immoral, stuff)... that would be something john knew from his time and would fit very well.

    when you go to the cinema and someone next to you tells you the next scene ahead and the ending at the beginning of the movie he will "ruin" the movie... but that doesnt mean he goes up take the movie and shred it into pieces.

    but of course only jesus mouth piece the WTS knows what it means... and john meant global warming... sure...

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