My electric bill was over $500 last month..... I'm a pig when it comes to electicity. I'd like to change my ways......without having to sweat!
But, we are in the process of changing to those crazy looking lightbulbs. As the old style goes, we put in the new style.
I've shut off the TV during the day when I'm home. I get more exercise that way, too.
But, I usually have 2 computers running, 2 refridgerators, and a washer/dryer on every single damn day. The biggest glutton are the two air-conditioners. I can't live without a cold house. In Skeeterville, it's hotter than hell & more humid than armpits in a leather jacket on a hot summer day during the summer.
We turned the water heater down very low. I'd like to get one of those water heaters that works only when you need it too. Any idea on the price?