About All This Tract Work

by WTWizard 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • under_believer

    You guys are acting like the tract work signals some new mindlessness or dumbing down of the preaching work. It's not. The Society is returning to its evangelical roots.

    Increased usage of the tract work represents a return to the days of the sound cars, doorstep phonographs, sandwich boards, and placards. Those guys were supposed to just play their record or walk around wearing their dumb signs, and be silent, and that's what they do. You will notice that the message is growing more incendiary, which it was back then too. Did anybody not see ghosts of "Religion is a Snare and a Racket" in the "False Religion's End is Near" tract?

    This all fits into the simplification trend that's been brewing for the last 20 years. The preaching work is being downsized for financial reasons. It's not a moneymaker anymore and hasn't been since Jimmy Swaggart. Its efficiency ratings are ridiculously low compared to almost any other sales pitch in existence. But they can't abandon it overnight, because that would scare people, so they are slowly-but-surely turning it back into very low-overhead operation. They have to keep up a pretense because a lot of people would fall away if it disappeared and because they need to keep people too busy to think; but they also can't keep hemorrhaging money on it either. The tract work is a perfect compromise.

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    I'd also like to point out that tracts are much easer to print/ labor and materials, than their other literature

    cheaper to produce and post out to the kingdom halls, $$$

    Still using their infallible marketing scheme that they have used for decades though, cant they think of anything else ?

  • stillajwexelder

    BTTT - because I am going to start a thread and tell you the reason for it.

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