There is such a diverse range of beliefs and practices here among us - from pagan, to atheist, to Christian, to Muslim, to Jewish, and points in between - most of us realize that this is an individual journey that can't be rushed and really shouldn't be judged.
Most of us have been JWs for many years, some of us several decades, and one of the skills we have to learn is to critique our beliefs rather than accepting them - the way we did as JWs. The only way to learn that skill is to ask questions and allow others to ask questions that give us the opportunity to examine the evidence for or against the beliefs we hold.
Being atheist was not something I just decided to do on a whim, by the way. I looked into other belief systems and forms of spiritual expression for several years after leaving the JWs. Eventually though, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to live authentically and valued reality over myth. It didn't occur to me until much later that I was atheist. For the longest time, I considered myself agnostic.
I guess what I'm saying is that this is YOUR journey, and you need to sort this out on your own. We have a section of the forum for Beliefs and Practices, so if you wanted to post your thoughts about God there, it should be just fine. But don't rule out the questionings of other people just because you disagree with their viewpoint today. Things can and do change. Maybe you can help someone by posting your thoughts, and maybe others can help you the same way. That's what this place is for. We aren't JWs anymore, so we don't all have to believe exactly the same things.