by Mary 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Associated Press

    All Associated Press News Associated Press

    Miss. ranked fattest state in nation

    August 28, 2007 02:00:42 AM PST

    Experts say Mississippians need to skip the gravy, say no to the fried pickles and start taking brisk walks to fight an epidemic of obesity. According to a new study, this Deep South state is the fattest in the nation. The Trust for America's Health, a research group that focuses on disease prevention, says Mississippi is the first state where more than 30 percent of adults are considered obese.

    Aside from making Mississippi the butt of late-night talk show jokes, the obesity epidemic has serious implications for public policy. If current trends hold, the state could face enormous increases in the already significant costs of treating diabetes, heart disease and other ailments caused by the extra poundage.

    "We've got a long way to go. We love fried chicken and fried anything and all the grease and fatback we can get in Mississippi," said Democratic state Rep. Steve Holland, chairman of the Public Health Committee. Poverty and obesity often go hand in hand, doctors say, because poor families stretch their budgets by buying cheaper, processed foods that have higher fat content and lower nutritional value.

    Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee ? a self-described "recovering foodaholic" who lost 110 pounds several years ago ? explained during a Southern Governors' Association meeting in Biloxi last weekend that there are historical reasons poor people often fry their foods: It's an inexpensive way to increase the calories and feed a family. Mississippi is one of the poorest states in the nation, and the Delta is the poorest region of Mississippi.

    Dr. Marshall Bouldin, director of the diabetes and metabolism center at the University of Mississippi Medical Center , told the Southern governors that if the Delta counties were excluded, "Mississippi would wind up being about 30th in diabetes problems in the United States." Mississippi's public schools already are taking steps to prevent obesity.

    A new state law enacted this year requires schools to provide at least 150 minutes of physical activity instruction and 45 minutes of health education instruction each week for students in kindergarten through 8th grade. Until now, gym class had been optional. The state Department of Education also is phasing in restrictions on soft drinks and snacks.

    All public schools are currently banned from selling full-calorie soft drinks to students. Next academic year, elementary and middle schools will allow only water, juice and milk, while high schools will allow only water, juice, sports drinks and diet soft drinks. The state Department of Education publishes lists of snacks that are approved or banned for sale in school vending machines. Last school year, at least 50 percent of the vending offerings had to be from the approved list. That jumped to 75 percent this year and will reach 100 percent next year.

    Among the approved snacks are yogurt, sliced fruit and granola bars, while fried pork rinds and marshmallow treats are banned. One middle school favorite ? Flamin' Hot Cheetos ? are on the approved list if they're baked but banned if they're not. State Superintendent of Education Hank Bounds said he hopes students will take home the healthful habits they learn at school.

    "We only have students 180 days out of the year for seven hours in a school day. The important thing is that we model what good behavior looks like," Bounds said Monday after finishing a lunch of baked chicken. Bounds ate at a Jackson buffet that's popular with state legislators. On Monday, the buffet included traditional, stick-to-your-ribs Southern fare: fried chicken, grits, fried okra, turnip greens.

    Dr. William Rowley, who worked 30 years as a vascular surgeon and now works at the Institute for Alternative Futures, said if current trends continue, more than 50 percent of adult Mississippians will be obese in 2015. Holland, who helps set the state Medicaid budget, said he worries about the taxpayers' cost of treating obesity. "If we don't change our ways," he said, "we're going to be in the funeral parlors ... because we're going to be all fat and dead."

    I've watched that one show "Cooking with Paula" a few times and holy shit, I think I put on 5 lbs. just watching her cook. She's from the Deep South and virtually everything she makes is fattening as hell. One of her shows the other day featured macaroni and cheese which already fattening, but she took it to a new level by frying it in peanut oil!!!! One of her banana desserts has the following ingredients:

    2 cups whipping cream
    2 tablespoons sugar, or a little more if you like it sweeter
    4 bananas, sliced
    Chocolate syrup
    15 cream-filled chocolate sandwich cookies (recommended: Oreo), crushed
    1/4 cup chopped pecans, toasted

    When my parents go to South Carolina, they go once to a place called Ryan's that's an all-you-can-eat buffet. Dad told me this year that he couldn't believe the number of obese people he saw going back for 5th or 6th helpings.

    Gee.....I wonder why there's such an obesity epidemic around eh? Nothing wrong with indulging occassionally like this, but good lord, eating like this on a regular basis?

    I saw Jamie Oliver's show where he investigated the garbage food the kids were eating in the public schools over in England. He talked to one of the doctors who said they've had kids as young as 5 years of age in the hospital because they're bodies are so blocked with food that isn't passing through their bodies (no fiber in junk food), that it's backed up into their lungs in some cases.

    He then went to some poorer areas of Italy and visted the schools there. By law, they're not allowed to fry anything and fruit and vegetables accompany the students' lunches which is generally made of some fresh meat (nothing processed) and organic pasta. When McDonalds opened up in the area, it closed within 3 months because no one wanted to eat that crap when you can have a home cooked meal.

    Canada's not far behind the States. There's too much junkfood being offered to kids. I mean, what 13 year old goes for a ripe peach or banana instead of a bag of chips?

    One thing I think should be enforced, is that all restaurants, including all fastfood restaurants, should have to publically display the grams of fat that's in all their food, the number of calories and the grams of sugar. Maybe if we all saw exactly how much we were consuming, we'd think twice before consuming it.

  • nvrgnbk

    Thanks for the info, Mary.

    That's why I drink beer.

    No calories.

  • Honesty

    Thanks for the info, Mary.

    I didn't know Mississippi beat us out.

    Tennessee came in 5th place.

  • sweetstuff

    Scary stats, I have noticed here, alot of very fat kids, obese kids. I have to stop and wonder what the heck their parents are thinking? This is exactly why I give my kids fruit and veggies for snacks, buy whole wheat pasta and bread.. MacDonald's should be a once in a while treat. Although I got to admit, just discovered, Banaffi Pie, yum!

  • KW13

    Scary how folks can each that much Mary and it not seem to bother them (on the outside) because after my second helping i'd probably be sick and full or i'd decide i've had enough anyway.

  • Mary
    nvrgnbk said: That's why I drink beer. No calories.

    You're right hon....not in that pony piss you guys call 'beer'. Sheeet, our de-alcoholized beer gives you more of a buzz than that crap south of the border....

  • KW13

    You're right hon....not in that pony piss you guys call 'beer'

    That pony piss is strong mary, its strong, like you!

    Mary with her Strong Face -------->

    Mary Naked --------> nah only kidding lol

  • WTWizard

    This is a major problem with several root causes. The cure for obesity is deceptively simple: You have to eliminate more calories than you take in. This can be done by burning them or by getting your body to dispose of the excess.

    Some points to factor in are the exercise deficiencies in the United States. Today, to travel, we drive. The bicycle and walking are virtually banned (by other motorists that will harass and threaten to hit them) in this country. There are so many labor (and exercise) saving gadgets that, while they do save time, they cut down on exercise. If you do not exercise, you do not burn calories. Walking an hour a day at a reasonable pace (and this does not mean going door to door peddling Puketower magazines--it has to be non-stop) is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. It is difficult for anyone to get or stay fat if they walk at least 6 miles per day, unless they have serious liver or metabolic problems.

    The other major factor in disposing of calories is the health of your liver. If your liver is in top condition (and it probably is not), then it can dispose of excess fat. There are so many poisons in our food and water, plus pollution, that interfere with this. Chlorine in the water reacts with fat in your food, which produces chlorinated fatty acids that can ruin the liver. Many chlorinated organic compounds (by organic, I here mean as in containing carbon) are found as food additives and preservatives as well as in pollution. These make the liver sluggish, and can make you sluggish. And fat.

    Now the food choices. Note that calories count, not just fat or carbs. However, some food additives are intended to be addictive. If you doubt that, just ask anyone who regularly eats at fast "food" places what happens when they don't eat there for some reason for a time. This in turn makes it difficult to regulate food intake by hunger alone, and hence can make you fat. MSG is known to mess up the endocrine system (see the book Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills for all the details on this common food additive). And that can mess up your metabolism. Obesity from that source is not dietable or exercisable as to losing weight. High fructose corn syrup, another common additive, is gaining a bad rap at getting people fat. Finally, self control (eating sensible portions) is the surest way to get your calorie intake down to the normal range.

    Finally, remember that if you are obese, the most important thing healthwise is to start exercising. Going on those diets might make you lose weight, but you will gain it back in short order, further clog your liver, and you will not lose that internal fat that does the most damage. Walking an hour a day is the best thing to rid yourself of that fat that seems to create the most problems. And, getting nutrients that repair the liver is very important. So far, the ones I have heard of are milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid, spirulina, and dandelion. There are likely many others--choline and inositol also help.

    And it is true that the obesity problem that used to be confined to the States is spreading. At one time, people in Europe used to be relatively thin though they ate without diets. Australia used to also be quite thin: it used to be unusual to see someone 100 pounds too fat. Now, they are catching up with us. And I remember when seeing someone that was blatantly fat in grade school was rare, and the person was usually ostracized and teased. Now it is common. We need to get exercise everywhere, not just in Mississippi, or we are going to be seeing more heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes at younger ages.

  • Mary
    If your liver is in top condition (and it probably is not), then it can dispose of excess fat. There are so many poisons in our food and water, plus pollution, that interfere with this. Chlorine in the water reacts with fat in your food, which produces chlorinated fatty acids that can ruin the liver. Many chlorinated organic compounds (by organic, I here mean as in containing carbon) are found as food additives and preservatives as well as in pollution. These make the liver sluggish, and can make you sluggish. And fat.

    Very interesting WTWizard. I didn't know that about our livers, but it makes sense. It's funny what your body gets used to. I was at some friends' house last weekend and they were having a party for one of the kids and all their friends, so there were hamburgers and hotdogs. I hadn't had a hotdog for over 3 years, but I was starving so I ate one. I felt like crap afterwards.....it did not sit well with me at all, and I don't plan on ever eating one again.

  • nvrgnbk

    I like Unibroue, from Quebec.

    Is that the horse piss you speak of, my dear sister Mary?

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