"rolling their eyes" when they saw the cover of the "THE END OF FALSE RELIGION IS NEAR" tract. (The one with the lightning bolt from God on the cover.)
Yep, that was my reaction when I first seen that tract. (the last tract work I was involved in before starting my fade). I would go to the door and (heaven forbid someone actually answered) hand the tract to the householder back cover up (the side with all the "good news", not the crazy cartoonish lightning bolts.) Not once did I read a scripture.
I was still an elder then. I often assigned myself to car groups of 3 or 5 publishers so that I could "sacrifice" to be odd man and offer to work alone. I also offered to drive...allowing me to keep moving the car yet another block so the friends would not have to "walk so far" and keep the A/C or heat going for them (. ....and allowing me to be at less doors and to do phantom door bell rings and light knocks, quickly and quietly leaving a tract in the door and leave before someone came to the door. (quite unlike what I do for a living, where I nearly knock down the door trying to get the householder to answer the door ).
good times, good times (NOT)
SnakesInTheTower (of the "still knocking on doors, just not for the Borg" Sheep Class)