CO tells us the reason for the Tract Work

by stillajwexelder 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut
    I caught the CO lying about tract work in my Congragation. I have not turned in any hour or placements yet we had 100% particpation in my hall.

    5go, if you are already "inactive" then, technically, they no longer count you as a publisher. If you are just
    irregular, then you are correct. Still, he rounded up.

  • OnTheWayOut
    we distributed about 2000 tracts minimum per congregation

    Now, that's stretching it. I would estimate that between 500-800 of those tracts are still
    in JW's stack of magazines or in the trunk of their cars. They will get dog-eared and thrown
    out later.

    While they can still count them, more than 1000 of the remainder went straight to the trash.
    That leaves between 200-500 that were glanced at before they went to the trash. Perhaps
    the 30 or so literature students for the cong. kept theirs, but they already study with JW's.
    The C.O. is right that there isn't much result from the work.

  • minu
    A tract was left at my door a couple of months ago. They rang my doorbell and left after a few seconds. They were off to the next house without even making a presentation

    I guess they are scared to come to my house. Been there almost 3 years now and not one old mag or tract. Not that I'm complaining.

    Maybe they are scared of my kitties.... or the winding driveway with the trees

  • LongHairGal

    I always suspected this was the case. Many years back I remember them giving a big build up to some release that was coming out. Some of the friends were all excited like it was the final word on "when". Well, when I saw the mundane piece of crap with its same-ol' message I was angry. This was a typical instance of the boy crying wolf and just engineered to keep people chasing their tails.

    Ditto for all those 'special talks' which were much ado about nothing and were just testing of the waters to see if all the gullible sheep would come running.


  • wannaexit

    they get children to become unbaptized publishers really quick with the track work.

  • Sassy

    I remember the very first tract work years ago.. I loved it.. all you had to do was give it to them and leave...

    the last Tract I did.. you were supposed to practically start a mini biblestudy out of... I hated that..

    I always hated service.. I sure do not miss it

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I remember a few publishers in my congo kind of "rolling their eyes" when they saw the cover of the "THE END OF FALSE RELIGION IS NEAR" tract. (The one with the lightning bolt from God on the cover.) It seemed like a tract version of the comic strip nut-case standing on the corner wearing a sign saying "THE END IS NEAR".

    Hmmmmm. I wonder if we'll have a Questions From Readers in the future redefining the word "NEAR"?

    Probably not.

    Open Mind

  • BizzyBee
    "The Society knows the Tract work brings hardly any new disciples in. We get a few good experiences out of it and a few start studies and attend a few meetings. The real reason for all the Tract work is to benefit all the brothers - not the rest of the world . It is a really easy work that regularly gets the territory covered. The brothers get enthused and invigorated and it is a real boost to spirituality and encourages the entire congregation"

    Anyone else heard this in their KH? While the above is certainly true, it sounds more like something that would emanate from JWD, because it is the truth.

    This CO must be a bit of a rebel. Or just not very bright. This is the kind of thing said among the GB inner circle - not for dispensing to the R & F. This is strategy for keeping the R & F busy and distracted - but you don't tell them that that is what you're doing!

    If I were a JW hearing this, I would say, "Hmmm, you know what? I think I'll skip this busy-work, and go 'benefit, enthuse and invigorate' myself with a game of golf."

  • M.J.

    This mindset actually goes along with what Rutherford taught regarding vindication of Jehovah's name.

    Back in the WT of 1/1/31 page 7, Rutherford taught that the base motive of preaching should not be the desire to help others as much as the joy of realizing that you're vindicating Jehovah's name.

    Maybe this is a little resurrection of some old light.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    "rolling their eyes" when they saw the cover of the "THE END OF FALSE RELIGION IS NEAR" tract. (The one with the lightning bolt from God on the cover.)

    Yep, that was my reaction when I first seen that tract. (the last tract work I was involved in before starting my fade). I would go to the door and (heaven forbid someone actually answered) hand the tract to the householder back cover up (the side with all the "good news", not the crazy cartoonish lightning bolts.) Not once did I read a scripture.

    I was still an elder then. I often assigned myself to car groups of 3 or 5 publishers so that I could "sacrifice" to be odd man and offer to work alone. I also offered to drive...allowing me to keep moving the car yet another block so the friends would not have to "walk so far" and keep the A/C or heat going for them (. ....and allowing me to be at less doors and to do phantom door bell rings and light knocks, quickly and quietly leaving a tract in the door and leave before someone came to the door. (quite unlike what I do for a living, where I nearly knock down the door trying to get the householder to answer the door ).

    good times, good times (NOT)

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "still knocking on doors, just not for the Borg" Sheep Class)

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