Penny pinching hints and tips

by Junction-Guy 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    I have a system, it's easy but it takes will power. I started saving for my 1st house when I was about 13, 10 years later I had 20% down. (around $30,000)

    Personally, I can now save myself 15,000 - 20,000 in 5 years. Which I've started saving about 2 weeks ago and I have 200 in savings already.

    Saving money is a part time job - seriously.

    If you would like to know how I do it, pm me, I'll give you the list of do's and don'ts!


  • BrentR

    I would very much have to agree with Dragonlady76 that learning basic home repair will save you a massive amount of money. The same with doing your own remodeling and decorating.

    My wife learned upholstering many years ago and that has saved a lot of money. Now when she wants a new piece of furniture she will buy a beat up one for a couple bucks and then spend $25-30 on materials. A few hours of work and she has a brand new one with the exact material design she wanted and not a compromise.

    I learned some basic masonary from my wife's cousin and put in the river rock hearth and backing for our wood stove. We got the rocks from a local river and in total I spent $30 on mortar and oak trim board. Any DIY skills you learn will not only save you money but will allow you to have exactly what you want and feel very empowered not having to pay the bucks for someone else to do it.

    The furniture and the stove hearth still get compliments from guests and it always cool to tell them "and I did it myself".

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Ok, this is not legal, but it is like trying to enforce the law about co-habitation without being married.

    College students: Someone in the class can buy a book then the whole class can take turns using the copy machine then return the book unmarked. That is my personal favorite survival technique. Hang out in the book store for as long as you can and read the lessons without buying the book. There are usually so many people in there that no one will notice.

    This is legal:

    Out of toilet paper and $$$? Never fear! Just go to all of the stores with restrooms that you can and stuff a very big purse that has a secure closure with as much unrolled toilet paper as you can get into it. Be sure the paper is NOT ROLLED! If you take a whole roll without unrolling it, it will be and feel just like stealing. Soothe your conscience (if you have one:).

    Out of condiments? McDonald's has tons of them out where customers can just grab them and go. Pretend that you came from the drive through and forgot to ask for them. Just don't take too many at one time as that might give you away.

    Soothing your conscience: Give to charity when you can. This will cure any guilt feelings you may have.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Umm...can you tell that I didn't read all of the posts?

  • PEC

    These tips are dedicated to John Doe, luv yah man.

    Skip the Starbucks that will save you $3.50 or more, each time and you will lose weight at the same time.

    At Fuddruckers make a salad from the help yourself produce bar, it is all you can eat. Free salad, the jalapeƱo cheese and mayo makes a great dressing.

    When you eat out share the meal with a friend, you save 50% and lose weight at the same time.

    Everywhere you buy anything, ask for the senior discount, no one ever asks you to prove your age.


  • IP_SEC

    Damnnnnnn Lots of good Idears

    DON'T waste money on expensive iPods/mp3 players. Simply think of your favourite tune and hum it. If you want to "switch tracks", simply think of another song you like and hum that instead.


    Umm ok, that's kinda hard to do while running on a treadmill.
    IP cant imagine why...
  • Crafty Lady
    Crafty Lady

    Whenever someone at work gives away extra garden produce, I'm happy to accept. Some hunters around here give away venison because their family doesn't like it. I do.

    When my son was little, money was really tight (single mom in college). We'd go to a movie matinee and I'd bring popcorn and a small bottle of water or soda in a large pocketbook (in a plastic bag of course). These days renting movies might be cheaper but I still like going to a movie theater. I cannot bring myself to pay $12 for a small popcorn and soda--bad for you anyway. I no longer bring my own popcorn but have lunch before the movie--ok I admit sometimes I bring a candy bar.

    When I'm buying a large item, sometimes I ask for a cash discount. They lose a percent if I use a credit card. It doesn't hurt to ask and I'm amazed at the times they'll give 2-10%. Even when someone says "no" they've never been rude. If I use my credit card, I pay it off at the end of the month.

    Since I'm into crafts, I make some greeting cards and gifts.

    Last, but not least, I clip coupons. Love those doubled or tripled.


  • MadTiger

    I used to be a spendthrift, but gradually learned frugality.

    My friend hinted at this, but I put it into this aphorism:

    "It is a luxury to pay someone to do something you know how to do."

    If you don't have the time, and can't make the time (honestly), then you have to pay the price. But it all gets back to how you are using your limited resources. People who say they don't have any time for this or that usually have some fat in their schedule, just like many have fat in their budgets.

  • MadTiger

    So, as you pick up new skills, you save money, and are better equipped for life.

    (If you don't have any mechanical talent, then I guess you must pay that "tax.")

  • bigdreaux

    crafty lady, i never buy anything large for the retail price. i will sit there and work over a sales rep until i get what i want. espically furniture. the markup is huge and if your willing to, you can usually get at least 20 % off.

    i am really good at electronics purchases. even though electronics don't have much of a mark-up, if you know what your talking about, the salesman will bend over backwards to get you out of there. espically if other customers are listening in. my favorite is car audio. i build those really noisy systems, and i know my stuff with it. the biggest thing, is go in and act like you know nothing, if they offer free installation on a head unit or amp, ask how much it is to put one in that doesn't have free installation. they will try to quote a jacked up price to get you to buy the more expensive unit. then you say, okay, i know you say this one has "free" installation, but, i know it's hidden in the price, i want that much knocked off because i'm installing it myself. bam, discount. buying everything at once also helps. not just with electronics, but everything. if you purchase more items, you have a better chance at a deal.

    i have friends that won't buy anything unless i go with them. i won't let them get screwed. espically used cars, being a mechanic, i can point out all kinds of stuff, get the price knocked down, then fix it for a small fee.

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