crafty lady, i never buy anything large for the retail price. i will sit there and work over a sales rep until i get what i want. espically furniture. the markup is huge and if your willing to, you can usually get at least 20 % off.
i am really good at electronics purchases. even though electronics don't have much of a mark-up, if you know what your talking about, the salesman will bend over backwards to get you out of there. espically if other customers are listening in. my favorite is car audio. i build those really noisy systems, and i know my stuff with it. the biggest thing, is go in and act like you know nothing, if they offer free installation on a head unit or amp, ask how much it is to put one in that doesn't have free installation. they will try to quote a jacked up price to get you to buy the more expensive unit. then you say, okay, i know you say this one has "free" installation, but, i know it's hidden in the price, i want that much knocked off because i'm installing it myself. bam, discount. buying everything at once also helps. not just with electronics, but everything. if you purchase more items, you have a better chance at a deal.
i have friends that won't buy anything unless i go with them. i won't let them get screwed. espically used cars, being a mechanic, i can point out all kinds of stuff, get the price knocked down, then fix it for a small fee.