Two years

by JeffT 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    Thanks guys.

    I've written a novel about an apocalypic religion that more or less drinks the kool aid when the end doesn't happen according to schedule. (That's 85,000 words condensed down to about 10). I have a proposal out to an agent, we'll see what happens. I'm almost done with the third book in an alternate history series, also unpublished, although my writer's circle likes it. When I get done with that I'm going to write a science fiction thing set in the future of that series. Sci-fi is easier to explain to publishers and I can sell the earlier series as a prequel if I get that one published.

    It's a nice hobby that doesn't cost anything.

  • jaguarbass

    Back in the 80's when I quit the Wac tower. I had a friend who had a drinking problem. He got arrested and committed to AA. After a while we got to talking, it tottally changed his life. Many of the tools he learned at AA, I could see applied to me and my life and my feelings and emotions of leaving the Tower and all my friends and the wacy child hood the witnoids caused me.

    So after I saw the wonders AA was doing for my friend, I joined. After all back in the 70's and early 80's all the witnoids I new were Drunks, alcoholics go to meetings.

    When I would speak at the meetings, AA meetings. I would say I was a recovering alcoholic. But in my mind and to some I always said I was a recovering Jehovahs Witnoid.

    I went 5 years without drinking, It was paradise here on earth.

    I ended up letting all the good things AA gave me take me right back out of AA.

    So now I'm misserable, I drink occasionally and I dont go to any kind of meetings.

    Like my AA breatheren would say, "Suffer you bastard"

    It works if you work it.

    For me and many the illness of alcoholism is the deffective thinking process. A thinking process that the Witnoids dish out 5 times a week.

    Stinking thinking leads to drinking. When one stops drinking and works the steps. They start thinking like a normal person, which the witnoids are not.

    The person starts living and dealing with reality. Which the witnoids did not believe in durning my time in the tower 52-81.

    Good luck on your sobriety.

  • JeffT

    Jaguarbass: there's a reason there are so many 12 step programs out there, the process works on all kinds of things. JW's made a BIG appearance in my 4th step. It was a great porcess for getting rid of a lot of old baggage. (I left the WTBS in 1988). I hope you find something that will help you out, whether AA or something else.

  • NewYork44M

    Congratulations on your success. Keep up the good work.

    Drinking is a common witness problem. I was a heavy drinker during my witness days. My drinking increased during my fade, primarily because of the stress associated with living a lie.

    While, I drink occasionally, I have cut down by probably 90%. My drinking now is an occasional beer or glass of wine.

  • RisingEagle

    Hey Jeff,

    Outstanding! Congratulations on your anniversary and I wish you success in your endeavors with the book. I'm always impressed with someone that is able to take stock of their life and make changes they see can for themselves and look back in pride on the accomplishment.


  • PEC


  • collegegirl21

    I admire you for your dedication and persistence! Congratulations with that Jeff!

  • AudeSapere

    Happy Birthday!

    Thanks for sharing this part of your story.


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