Post a pic of your REAL desktop
by Nosferatu 28 Replies latest jw friends
choosing life
James Thomas,
It looks like a microscope, amongst other things. What all is in your picture?
Yall Ready For This?
what are all those potions in your basement office? Are you like a Unibomber or something?
I'm the kinda guy who digs in the garden with a hand shovel rather than use the rotter-tiller whenever possible to save the worms, spiders and bugs from slaughter. So, I guess i'm just not unibomber material...but ya never know. Actually sometimes I experiment with electrical extractions of hydrogen which is very explosive, and one of the "potions" you see there is a catalytic mixture for that purpose; as well as pimple removal.
The brown bottle next to the one with the gauge in its top is Dihydrogen Monoxide, which I have found -- through many years of dedicated experimentation -- to be the elixir of life. It has the capabilities -- in the proper dosage --- to extend life for years and years more than without it (really!). The right dosage is critical though: too much you die; not enough you die. But it's certainly worth the risk as its life extension qualities are so awesome. Dihydrogen Monoxide is very handy for other things as well; such as cleaning stuff. You can form a gas with it too, though it can burn your face off. Solid crystalline forms can be manufactured with it as well, and sometimes it even forms in nature this way, kinda like diamonds. I'll sell you some; but this here is pretty pure, so it wont be cheap.
Nice cat
That's TigerBear. Her mother was feral and she took all her kittens from the corner of a parking lot the day they were born, except this one. So, I got her at one day old and not in very good health. Fed her with special feline formula in a little nursing bottle. Had to wipe on her little butt with a wet and warm paper towel to motivate her to poop and pee (I was ecstatic when her pipes all started working). Thought for sure the sweet little bear -- she looked like a little miniature black bear -- was going to die those first couple days, but once she regained her strength on the third day she turned into a wild tiger and would swipe her for-claws so fast you could hardly see them as she ripped your hand to shreds if the formula was not flowing fast enough for her liking. So there she was, eyes still closed, innocent looking as can be, and I'm using a leather glove to feed her with. Thus the name TigerBear. That was three years ago.
She thinks I'm her mother, and I treat her like my kid; though one should respect the fact she has feral-blood in her and not get too playful cause she easily slips into I'll-scratch-the-shit-out-of-you-and-what's-left-I'll-eat mode. She's a guys cat; and loves to hang out on the bench there with me and help out. Up on the bench, the end of her tail is convenient for drying the inside of test-tubes....when she's sleeping.
choosing life:
It looks like a microscope, amongst other things. What all is in your picture?
Yes, there are two microscopes right next to each other. The little one is an old 20x stereo Swift, and the large one with screen is a 60x stereo TS-2 Dynascope. Stereo microscopes are like two microscopes attached together so that each eye sees through its own lens system at the object. This way you see the object in a natural 3D, rather than just 2D. The large microscope, rather than have eyes-pieces you look through, actually has a 6 inch flat screen were the object is projected as 3D through a special series of mirrors (some spinning at high rpm). It's pretty amazing how they figure out how to do that. These are low power scopes as 3D is limited. I have high power scopes as well but they are generally kept in another room. There is a huge, huge world of life and forms in the micro-world that we normally never see. It's really fascinating to get to meet some of them. Plus there is a little farm here and these instruments come in very handy for inspection and identifying unwanted bugs and fungus on plants and animals.
There's other stuff of to the left, mostly electrical testing equipment, like an old oscilloscope, and there's a Geiger counter over there ya can't quit see. I want to test small radioactive exposure on some seed stock. Just a lot of stuff having to do with things that I find interesting.
I can only say that my desktop is not nearly as inviting as Sweetface2233's.
Wordly Andre
Is it too early for 3 pints of Guinness?
my desktop:
(not really. I'm too lazy to go get the camera. But it's almost as bad!)
knock knock
I like your window view Leolaia. Peaceful looking.
and the cat on the kitten looks a lot like him but likes to lay on the mousepad rather than the keyboard; so far. -
Flipthis...are you called Flipthis cos you flip everything on the floor?
Leolaia, i've seen your view from before and as always i am envious, nice desktops folks!
I wanted to show my kitty, too!