Reading " Crisis of Consience", What did you Learn, How did it affect you?

by flipper 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    The near Gestapo tactics of those in the GB was a shocker for me. The way they penalised all, as well as the gnawing and numbing mind &*@k that came as a result of waiting to see if any would recieve a reprieve from their accusers.

    The attitude of those who lived in bethel. The difference between the ruling and the ruled. Not much different between those in managerial positions and those of the rank and file in any employment scenario, now.

    The kicker for me was the way they dealt with the brothers in Mexico. Those who were paying off bribes to officials in the military, not being held accountable for signing up for thier marching card, though they never marched, ( A preliminary to millitary service ) as opposed to the brothers in Malawi who could not acquire an identity card to work in accord with the governments there. Suffering the ordeal of being arrested, thier wives and children raped and worse. Having to flee thier homes, or having thier homes destroyed.

    A clear, cut and dry differentiation in policy between two countries with similar circumstances, but treating them completely opposite, with those brothers in Malawi suffering the most. It was nothing short of racism within the Merry Old Land of OZ.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Stimulated by a phone conversation with another former Jw last nite - I began a review of Chapter 13 or ISoCF today.

    Ray gives some absolutely sterling examples of how the Watchtower writers manipulated the masses with false reasonings and argumentation. He shows just how frequently the organization used Ad Hominem attacks and straw men to drive us to poor conclusions. Provincialism abounds in the prophetic interps that they developed. And circular reasoning set the stage for many false premises.

    I bought into all of it for decades. The conceptual fantasy that God is using a single religious body today drove the heart - while the counterfeit words confused the mind. CoC was the key that began to unlock my mind. ISoCF completely broke the hasp and allowed me to escape.

    Thank you Ray.



    It made me realize that the control that they had over the R&F had nothing at all to do with Jehovah protecting us from Satan's evil world. Just a group of men using scare tactics to keep their positions as our rulers, setting themselves up as an idol to be worshipped.

    Reading that book made me come to terms with what had happened to me. I was duped and the jig was up.

    I will never get over my shock and anger about the Malawi/Mexico scandal.

  • wannaexit
    it totally clarified what the reasons were for all the control in the organization. And I was informed of things I never had a clue that were going on behind the Bethel scenes


    The day my husband felt I was ready to read CoC, he gave me the book and a container of Tylenol. I read the book almost at one sitting. I couldn't put it down. ( I used the Tylenol too.)

    As I read the book, it felt like a heavy load slid off me. I could finally put a finger to all those little nagging doubts that I had shoved aside for so many years. I was exilirated. Everything Ray said fell into place for me.

    But after the 'real truth' set in, I was mad as hell. I asked myself why didn't I see it before. Why had I wasted literally half of my life serving the whims of old men that cared so little for me. I went into a fairly deep depression for a while. That was in 2002

    I have finally found my balance. Although I still attend for the sake of elderly parents (dad an elder), I am happy to be completely mentally free of watchtower shackles. I have gone back to school and have forged some good friends on the outside.

    regards to you and yours


  • ex-nj-jw

    I think the most powerfull part of this book was the Malawi/Mexico thing. It also surprized me that the GB went with a 2/3 vote for changes, how they made decisions that changed peoples lives, broke up marraige's, split up families without so much as a prayer! Wouldn't an organization directed by holy spirit at least pray and give endless hours of thought and meditation on matters that could affect other's lives?

    The way that Ray Franz wrote the book, his even tone unshakable demeanor surprized me also, I would have been very angry to say the least at how he was treated.

    I haven't read ISOCF, I've heard that it's very deep and biblical. I'm just not into the bible. The bible puts me to sleep, maybe I'll get it for when I have insomnia


  • TopHat

    I was always told...the GB anointed are not like the Pope in Rome...One can ask to see them and actually have a conversation with them.

    In Ray's book CoC..he tells a different story of how the 2 young Pioneers from Ireland thought the same way that they could ask for an audience to see one of the GB members in Brooklyn, to question them on a matter....They were givien the run around and later after going back to Ireland disappointed were accused of spreading rumours. Which wasn't so. All they wanted was the truth they never received.

  • Mary

    I was in shock when I first started reading it. I guess because I opened it figuring it would be pretty damn easy to see that Ray Franz was an 'apostate' and I would be able to immediately detect his lies.

    I was 1/4 of the way through the book when I had to stop. I left the library in utter shock, because while the Dub in me was screaming 'the Witnesses have the Truth', there was the reasonable part of my brain that saw without any doubt that Ray was telling the truth. I literally felt sick to my stomach. It was a while before I could go back to reading more----the brain can only accept so much 'new light' at a time. I cried over the Malawi fiasco when I realized how many brothers and sisters were raped, tortured and murdered because of one stinking vote on the Governing Body's part. I was shocked and disgusted at how the rest of the GB treated Ray and others who were only trying to do what was right.

    By the end, I realized that the WTS is not being run by Jehovah. If anything, it's being run by Satan.

  • snowbird

    I have to begin by saying that no other book except ROOTS has ever affected me so deeply. Brother Franz begins his story when he was around the age of 18 - the same age as I when I began to get involved with the JW's. He takes us through the ensuing years of his life with such studied ease that you feel as if you are right there to witness his trials and tribulations.

    Then, when he is appointed to the GB you can sense the change in him; his disillusionment and disappointment are almost palpable. I cried as he recounted his anguish at finding out the sterile nature of God's spirit-directed organization. I became almost ill as he described his inner struggle.

    Then when he was dismissed and cast out to make it on his own without any marketable skills, I wanted to hurt somebody! And to add insult to injury, they sought grounds to disfellowship him on trumped up charges of disobeying instructions by eating with a DA'd person! I tell you, that organization has got it coming. There is no way they can escape God's adverse judgment.

    Anyway, you didn't ask for a rant. Please excuse me. The one thing I learned is never put faith in any person or organization that claims to speak for God. He has already spoken; he doesn't need anyone else to speak for Him. Thank you, Mr. Flipper, et al, for reading.


  • minimus

    I truly realized the HYPOCRISY of the Organization. As an elder, I was implemrnting rules that were made because Ray Franz had to be put out. The idea was, if you kick a member out, he'll have no voice....WRONG! Ray exposed the WHOLE RELIGION as as fraudulent and untrue. After reading and re-reading the book MANY times, I HAD to get out. The JW religion is a sham.

  • Sassy

    I think it helped me have anger with the WTS but not god.. He shows through out the book that although the WTS wavered on all kinds of things, was inconsistant in their dealings with the brothers, the witch hunts they made on him, never changed his love for Jehovah (I use his name, because Ray did). He helped me see a division between the WTS and God.. that is was ok to still believe in God even though we were told lies by the WTS.. so although I have yet to find a path I trust.. I still have faith..

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