The near Gestapo tactics of those in the GB was a shocker for me. The way they penalised all, as well as the gnawing and numbing mind &*@k that came as a result of waiting to see if any would recieve a reprieve from their accusers.
The attitude of those who lived in bethel. The difference between the ruling and the ruled. Not much different between those in managerial positions and those of the rank and file in any employment scenario, now.
The kicker for me was the way they dealt with the brothers in Mexico. Those who were paying off bribes to officials in the military, not being held accountable for signing up for thier marching card, though they never marched, ( A preliminary to millitary service ) as opposed to the brothers in Malawi who could not acquire an identity card to work in accord with the governments there. Suffering the ordeal of being arrested, thier wives and children raped and worse. Having to flee thier homes, or having thier homes destroyed.
A clear, cut and dry differentiation in policy between two countries with similar circumstances, but treating them completely opposite, with those brothers in Malawi suffering the most. It was nothing short of racism within the Merry Old Land of OZ.