My son is 7 now and VERY into using his small spanish vocabulary on anyone who is black, hispanic, eastern european, jewish. . .basically anyone who isn't blond and blue eyed. A sheepish shrug is all I can get out mostly.
I am always sticking my foot in it. My beautiful niece is in some sort of woman power phase-she is stunning and glowing and looks really beyond her normal loveliness. Women sometimes go through these extra gorgeous phases when she is really feeling her mojo. . .well, I asked her if she is pregnant (i know better!!) It gets worse. Somehow I got privy to the sex history of my neice (not promiscuous at all) and her mom (a basketball team was mentioned, thats all I can say!), my other sis in law (who was smart enough not to reveal more than the obvious two husbands). It was all good natured, but way TMI!!!