Original article
This video is from an Italian talk that Gerrit Lösch gave.
It is regarding the topic of higher education.
It is just astonishing what he says about it.
It is in Italian with English subtitles.
So... going to college is like putting a rifle to your head and pulling the trigger? Why yes, that makes so much sense, I'm going to clap! *APPLAUSE*
It is telling how he only picked up the Bible to show it to the audience, he didn't read a single text from it. Well excuse me mister, yes, I do read the Bible every single day, and I go to college. The two are not mutually exclusive.
When will they start dealing with the real issues in the congregation? (Matthew 23:24). Stuff like this literally makes me sick to my stomach.
Gerrit Losch on YouTube: Going to college is like putting a gun to head
by truthseeker 16 Replies latest jw friends
In 1969 I gave it all up for "The Truth" education wise,
To this day I struggle financially .
In 1973 I told my mother we would have a baby .She said "I thought you were going to wait until The New System ".
My son is 34 .
Partial transcription....
Going to college or not may be a reflexion of your faith
or lack of your faith
and it may indicate how present the imminence of the Great Tribulation is in your mind
What is undoubtable is that the time left is reduced....
If you are currently going to college, why don't you meditate in prayer on the possibility of dropping out and doing something better?
But for us who scrutinize the meaning of world events in the light of Bible prophecy there are more worthy reasons for not putting a worldly career first in our lives...
Some advocate going to college by citing the example of some elder's children who are attending college or that did so [in the past].
We are not able, nor willing, to tell you what you should do.
Your parents and you should make a decision.
We are not the masters over your faith.
However, the Faithful and Discreet Slave has the responsibility to warn against spiritual dangers and to encourage to put Kingdom interests first.
So, the Slave discourages from going to college for a long period of time.
I have often times heard of experiences of those who nearly completed their college programs and dropped out when they they learnt the truth.
Some other baptized individuals have turned down scholarships.
What will you do?
Whatdecisions will you make? Will you refuse or not?
Will you get a university education or not?
We would like to praise those in the audience who dropped out of college when they accepted the truth [as we praise] all those who, after listening to this talk, will make the same decision.
Maybe you still want to advocate the possibility of going to college.
You may say: "You see, Brother X went to college and now he is serving in the congregation and is a pioneer."
True, he may have survived college, so to speak.
[Brief exp of young man with OCD who shot himself in the head and survived]
Similarly, some have survived college, but would you recommend that to others.
Instead of investing in a higher education, it would be advisable to grow in the knowledge of Jehovah. -
Gerrit Losch has offered to pay the tuition and Federal Student Loans of all those who dropped out of college after listening to his talk.
Yeah, right!!! -
He sounds worse than all the others! They demonize college but if you said you were going for a short term so as to pioneer, would that be ok?? In the 90s it was ok. Or did the FDS change its mind again?
Hee hee. I commented.
My name on youtube is "cactusfeet"
:P -
We are not the masters over your faith.
yeah...... right
I'm speechless. I was sobbing by the time I got to the end.
there was a thread on this before.
that guy can go f himself. if they can have lawyers and architects, i'm going to get a Bachelor's degree.
when was that talk given and is he of the annointed