I have not talked to a good witness friend of mine in 3 weeks.
yesterday, I called and asked if he had not called me due to being mad for some reason (seems like I have to do the calling all the time).
He told me that he had been severely derpressed, and had comtemplated suicide.
he's seeing some kind of natural care doctor. I congradulated him on seeking help, but advised him to also talk to mental health doctor.
He is totally against that!
He told me that he's only gonna do the following 2 things: 1) take some happy vitamins, 2) try to do more service hours!
After hearing this, I asked: "hey XXX what is doing more service hours supposed to do?"
he said "I feel bad internally that I'm only doing 5 hours a month, and I'm well below the national average"
I don;t know what else to say without exposing myself!!!!