OntheWayOut has a current thread about a slow fade, and I have read many others that are similar. I do not understand how fading slowly vs. fading very quickly has any different consequences. And I mean whether an Elder or pioneer or not. Especially if someone is depressed (and most of us are in this outfit), then why not just say you have been feeling low and that you really don't know what to believe anymore? And of course you can't go in service in this condition as you would feel like a hypocrite, and the same for giving talks, just too tough for you at this time. This dosen't knock anyone else's belief, and may even resonate with others in the congregation. Doubt Happens! The exact same actions should occur from the elders/congregation: encouragement offered, calls you have been missed etc. If probing questions are asked, what is wrong with just saying your having a tough time right now but really cant talk about it?
I quit going in service over a year ago. My cong. privliges just went away without me asking, and even stopped getting school assignments without asking! Then I started making just one meeting a week for my wife, then could only take 2 a month, and now am at one or less a month. I did not plan this, it just happened, but I think the elders actions were the same with me stopping service all at once, instead of trickling down. Am I missing something here?
unplanned fade.....oompa