My roommate seems to have the hardest time making it to the Sunday meetings...and that's the only one she goes to anymore. I went to wake her this morning and she didn't want to go and asked me if I would carry her service card (or whatever it's called) to the KH for her. I told her no...I didn't want to talk to those people. She finally got up and got dressed but was 25 minutes late. I printed out the Michael Porter pervert articles and gave it to her a week or so ago. She's already read Barbara Andersons CD. She took the Porter article from the BBC to give to her PO. I feel like it's only a matter of time before they have a sit down with her.
Roommate seems to have a hard time going to the meetings
by oppgirl63 14 Replies latest jw friends
Start doing something fun on Sunday morning & invite her. I bet she will go with you.
I read your post about printing out the Barbara Anderson stuff
Is this all from your work ?
Was she "fading" before ?
Brunch. Sunday's are for brunch. Invite her to go out to brunch next Sunday. She'll never look back.
If your roomate thinks that getting out of bed for the Sunday meeting is hard, wait until the elders turn on her. Is she prepared for what could lie ahead or are you happy feeding her the sharks?
I was thinking like a bike-ride or hike through a park/natural area, followed with a brunch/matinee and then a girls shopping excursion.
Great advice from everyone, be a good friend all around.
Start doing something fun on Sunday morning & invite her. I bet she will go with you.
You better get crackin' on that. It won't be long and all her j-dub 'friends' will abandon her and she will be having a tough time if she hasn't started on creating a new life for herself. You've given this info to her, so I would take some responsibility in helping her adjust to a new life, cuz if she's given this info to the elders then it won't be long til they sit her down for some 'spiritual sphedering' which will no doubt turn into a judicial committee.
Who wants to get up early on Sunday mornings to attend boring JW meetings? She is no doubt on her way out of the cult and back to the normal world.
It's obvious what she needs. Get her life back. Show her the lawsuits. Show some scripture that contradicts what these weasles are up to. Take her somewhere worldly.