Now THAT'S Funny!
The Occult Roots of the Jehovah's Witnesses
by Stampy 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What is the story with the drawing of Charles Manson that you posted ?
Siamsa, don't you know that Charles Manson was a JW?
Stampy and Siamsa are very valued JWD members here.
I knew that Charlie Manson believed that he had a direct line to God the same as the Pope / Governing Body. CHARLES MANSON A full blown JW !
Well I never would have guessed it in a million years. Is that the reason he was persecuted and locked up in prison for things that he did not do?
Why are the Brooklyn Boyz not on to this ?
Homerovah the Almighty
God is a marketable commodity that empowers men, this was obviously known to old timers like Chucky Russell a good marketing strategist that knew how to run a business and
all with the guiding support from many around him/ the Freemasons / the government at the time, you might say he used the system well for his own benefit and profit
In some ways I can almost respect him for that ........I said almost
Pete Sempras
The Watchtower is but one of many Illuminati tentacles with far reaching parasitic fibers that enslave commoners. With the proliferation of immigration of Freemasons to the West and the ensuing indoctrination of Millenialism in the churches, tentacles like the Watchtower can grow and reach many.
Create your own Unique Altar piece!
What a wonderful way to Honor
and Worship Goddess!
Rose Quartz Goddess Altar Watchtower
The Watchtower Mother + Governing Body