Yahoo Single Witness will be DF'd (HaHaHa)

by BoozeRunner 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • BoozeRunner

    Check out this response to a topic over at Yahoo Single Witnesses. The poster known as greatgrooves2002 is surely TOAST after this one...LOL!!!

    It seems that texasangelchild asked some pretty tough questions, as she recently began studying after the death of her twin sister. The JW's on the site kind of gave her grief about her honest questions. The subject of the UN/WBTS came up, and it was attributed to apostates.Then she asked what was an apostate, and the floodgates opened. In this thread, she seems to have given up on the site. But she got ONE hoest answer from a poster called greatgrooves2002. CHECK IT OUT:

    By: texasangelchild
    Date: 10/19/01 6:03 pm
    I'm sorry. I had no intention of making this such a big deal. Just trying to get some questions answered. :( I will not bother you guys anymore.

    Re: What is the deal? greatgrooves2002
    10/21/01 2:17 am
    Hi T A C...I am sorry you recieved such a "cold" welcome just by asking honest questions. Quite frankly, I dont think a very Christian attitude was shown here in the past day or so as you posed your questions. As Jehovahs Witnesses, we are admonished in the Bible to defend our faith. Advice to you to "speak to elders", or "refer your questions to the sister who is studying wth you" means ONE THING-we have NO answers to the controversial questions you asked. Many of us are wondering just what is going on, especially with that UN thing. As far as apostates go, an apostate is one who ABANDONS his faith. Faith has nothing to do with the religion you choose, but rather with your desire to serve God. Ancient Isrealites chose to follow GOD instead of the Jewish leaders who imposed their own burdensome laws on the people. They chose to listen to Jesus and thus were blessed by adhereing to his message. You might say it was their "faith in Gods righteous ways" that saved them, not the fact that they were Jewish, or the fact that they became "Christians." Continue your Bible studies, but remember....NO PERSON, or ORGANIZATION has "dibs" on salvation. It is YOUR devotion to God Jehovah, and your willingness to serve him with all your heart, mind and body that will work in your favor. After all, when Jesus asked his disciples the question, "are you going to leave me also?", they replied, "Where we to go my Lord, you(meaning Jesus) have the sayings of everlasting life." That is where our devotion must lie, in adhering to Jehovahs words as given to us by Jesus, not bt imperfect men.



  • dungbeetle

    ((((((((greatgrooves2002))))))))) GO!!!!!!! much dung, so little time...

  • Stephanus

    Greatgrooves gets a 10 for boldness and fairness, and a 1 for life expectancy!

    And I think I just became a Jedi!

  • BoozeRunner
    BoozeRunner, yes, I think greatgrooves2002's time on that site is limited. He/she will probably survive today, since it is Sunday, and all good JWs SHOULD be pretty occupied with meetings, FS, etc.

    It will probably get accused of being "off-topic" as an excuse to delete the thread, although it wasnt started by greatgrooves2002.

    The sad thing will be that greatgrooves is in no way disparaging the organization, but is rather encouraging Texasangelchild to study and to remember that ones devotion is to God.

    Funny how those in the "troof" cant handle hearing the TRUTH.


  • BoozeRunner

    ps Stephanus...congrats on your Jedi promotion, LOL.


  • Eyebrow

    If I come into the Jedi fold, will I get a cool robe and lite sabre?

  • ashitaka

    Man, that's a hell of a post from an active dub.....very cool.


  • Prisca

    Methinks it's not an active dub that wrote that post.

  • BoozeRunner

    Hi Prisca, I dont think so either, but he/she sure makes it sound good, keeping right on the line, and NOT bashing the org, but rather, tossing the Bible into the ring.


  • JT


    YOU ARE more than likely correct- JW don't answer like that- we all know that- they are so programmed that all thier answers are "CANNED"

    this has to be either a former jw or SOON TO BE - SMILE

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