Chapter 1 of the book I stopped writing (a whole chapter- kinda long)

by OnTheWayOut 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Very well done ONTW ! I enjoyed reading that, I know you don't like heaps of praise, but I will say Great job, I was impressed and leave it at that. That being said, MONO'S take was pretty good as well as advice, be careful who gets to see that so your fade can continue cautiously , while keeping good relations with your wife . If she or others of her family happen upon it, it would not be a good scene for you, just be careful! Very good thoughts and expressions ! Peace out, my friend and hang in there , hope you are doing a little better. If you ever want to talk, I'm always here, you know how to reach me

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hey OTWO,

    That's a very well researched and written labor of love. I'm glad it was somewhat therapeutic for you. I'm guessing that you would like some constructive feedback on this as well. I'll send you a PM.

    Open Mind


    This is AWESOME. Where is Chapt. 2 ? What is it's title ?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Open Mind, sure. Feedback is welcome.

    A&W- Chapter 2 is about the actual examination of the doctrine. Chapter 2 was never
    completed. It could actually spill into more than one chapter. You can do similar research
    at and by reading books about JW doctrines. My thoughts are original but are
    really nothing new.

    If there are enough readers for chapter 1, I might post the chapter that follows the examination.
    For lack of a better number, it's chapter 3. I reconsidered that I can post it here because you all
    are searching for JW-related things and I can preface it with enough warning that it might not work
    out for everyone who tries it. Chapter 3 is "The Fade" but needs a better title. It discusses why
    many people opt to fade, and what it really means to fade.

    But, adamently, I refuse to work on or post any of my material on ideas for the fade. They are
    standards that have been kicked around- moving to a different cong., depression, taking on overtime,
    stuff like that.

    It was a hard decision to stop the book. I will not change on that. My own fade is successful, but I
    still don't know if it was the right thing to do. I can end it anytime, but my family situation is so
    delicate. So many out there are miserable at the meetings, or are miserable after fading because they
    are still shunned, or cannot enjoy some holiday cheer, or whatever.

    If I retain any of this material, it would have to be chapter one.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Oh, I must add this thought.

    IF (the big "IF") the book were the least bit successful, the WTS would probably crack down
    on fading. There could be new rules about disassociating continously inactive ones.
    I don't think so highly of myself causing so much change, but it is possible if more people
    were moved to fade, based on a book.

    Okay, you can all tell me how I think a little too highly of my work now.

    By the way, if they do ever decide to disassociate continuous inactive ones, just report
    one hour of field service every 6 months. You could even mail it in, since you never go to the
    hall. HEE HEE.


    Bill Westhoff please read this.

  • Shawn10538

    I think you really hit on something here. I hope you keep it up.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Who is Bill Westhoff, and thanks Shawn.

  • monophonic

    "Oh, I must add this thought.

    >IF (the big "IF") the book were the least bit successful, the WTS would probably crack down
    >on fading. There could be new rules about disassociating continously inactive ones.
    >I don't think so highly of myself causing so much change, but it is possible if more people
    >were moved to fade, based on a book.

    >Okay, you can all tell me how I think a little too highly of my work now.

    " Being a writer requires a little self delusion, especially since we're getting rejected a lot more than confidence, even a little bloated confidence, i think that defines a writer...writers who don't have it i don't consider writers.

    regarding your big IF, i think there are more possibilities than just the wtbts cracking down on fading....b/c the wtbts seems to be a little more concerned about their public opinion, so if your book is a success and there were blanket crackdown, it would be an opportunity to get way more press for your book, swing some educated bad press at the wtbts and they may just let some gay guy do a kiss ass documentary on them. (oh wait, they already did that.)

    but i understand your concern and you have my respect for protecting individuals who don't want to shake things up. i suggest writing it anyway, you can always choose not to pursue publishing it...and many people will choose not to publish it for you....but it sounds like an important piece of work.

    ">By the way, if they do ever decide to disassociate continuous inactive ones, just report >one hour of field service every 6 months. You could even mail it in, since you never go to the >hall. HEE HEE."

    LMFAO, ok, please finish the book, this is brilliant!

    i need to figure a better way to quote people here. :)

  • OnTheWayOut
    and they may just let some gay guy do a kiss ass documentary on them. (oh wait, they already did that.)

    I was LOL, but I had to stifle it as my JW wife was in the other room.
    Fortunately, the Simpsons was on, she thought I was laughing at that.

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