Sydney BBQ Aftermath

by Stephanus 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    Well folks, it was a great day today in sunny Wollongong (can I say that, Ozzie?)! Many apostates turned up (albeit belatedly, much to Mrs Ozzie's dismay!) and after the mandatory exchanging of secret handshakes and gestures, the BBQ began. After waiting for an hour or so for a BBQ which functioned, the blokes performed the traditional Aussie male rite of charring huge lumps of meat into oblivion. After gulping down the food, much fine wine and beer, much gas-bagging was had by all.

    Among the notables there were Mr and Mrs Ozzie, Prisca, JW83, Amos and hubby, someone else (what was his name again, Ozzie?) and family and my family and me. Pics below:

    Here we see Prisca getting friendly with someone she met. (The JC convenes tomorrow!) In the background you can see Ozziepost getting his feet wet.

    Here we see JW83 and friend going for a jog.

    Various apostates greet each other with secret waves and other gestures.

  • dungbeetle

    <Giving apostate wave>

    Heehee....good going guys!!!!! Hope you had 'one' for me.

    ((((hugs all around))))) much dung, so little time...

  • Stephanus

    Hi DB! (puts thumb to nose and wiggles fingers in time honoured apostate fashion)

    Here's another of Prisca and friend:

  • Prisca

    Man, give a guy a single kiss and I'm hawled in front of the Gestapo!

    BTW, is french kissing considered oral sex????

  • Stephanus
    BTW, is french kissing considered oral sex????

    Only if you talk about it!

  • Francois

    "French" kissing? D'ya reckon the French really had anything to do with inventing that? I'll bet it's been going on ever since Adam and Eve did that figleaf thing; where ever there has been great passion, which I assure you the French had nothing whatever to do with.

    Now, about that episode in general. Just because I was unable to get halfway round the world for this BBQ, Prisca, doesn't mean that you're supposed to go tonsil diving with someone else. Crushed. I'm totally crushed. When's the next Apostofest?


  • Prisca


    YOU'RE CRUSHED?? In another thread you mentioned you were married, did you not? Imagine how I felt! So of course, I felt compelled to play tonsil-hockey with the nearest hottie!

  • Eyebrow


    Maybe next year I can get an inflatible raft and float down to Australia.

    Do you have apostate kangaroos there?

  • ozziepost

    G'day gang,

    Mrs Ozzie and I have just got back. We got delayed 'cos Amos was showing us how to sing the new Apostate National Anthem: "Where Else Have We To Go?" Perhaps you've heard it? It's quite a catchy song for an anthem. We sure sang out loud and there was a strong breeze so you might have heard it over the Pacific.

    In view of our mate Stephanus clearly identifying some aposto faces, I've decided to change my profile pic to show me in my apostofest gear. D'ya like it?

    Now Eyebrow, Mrs Ozzie thinks you need some education Geography-wise. Everyone knows that apostate kangaroos are only found jumping down the streets of Sydney and we live in the highlands where the kangaroos are all true blue!

    Thanks for getting the pics up so quick Steph, you done a mighty job!


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • drloss

    Sorry I missed the BBQ today but I had to finish a job I started yesterday which simply had to be done. Maybe next time.

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