Need a qoute- demonic talking snake would fall silent when the witnesses would call. If I cant get it I will have to do my usual...steal it from the Kingdom hall library. Opps in my meeting bag! I would hate to have to go to a meeting with my wife just to do this. Save me please.
Help- Can anyone show me Yearbook 1967 P.105 Snake slilenced by a witness
by Witness 007 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
Would even the Watchtower dare to print such a story?
I want to see this!
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I was just starting associating at that time and remember reading it when it came out. It's from the country of Cameroun.
After reading the story, it sounds like the JW disrupted a theatrical performance!
The story sounds contrived. As well as being impossible to verify. The perfect Watchtower experience.
Ther is one one word that comes to mind with this one:
What a load of tosh......................but the JWs suck it all in.
Havent the tower ever seen a ventriloquist show. But if its in a publication it must be true!
Witness 007
Thanks Cabasilis! Maybe this is the original serpent from the garden of Eden, back to his old tricks. An immortal talking serpent stalks the earth corupting mankind!
I love how the Witness just happens to drop by, and then plays it casual...when most people would crap their Witnessing pants!
What a load! I agree it may have been a trick of some sort. The whole story is far fetched, from planet Xenon or surrounds....
Yeah, but they'd NEVER publish sh!t like that nowadays. Talk about laughably unbelievable nonsense. Magicican gets run out of business and suddenly he wants to read the literature?
Need a qoute- demonic talking snake would fall silent when the witnesses would call. If I cant get it I will have to do my usual...steal it from the Kingdom hall library. Opps in my meeting bag! I would hate to have to go to a meeting with my wife just to do this. Save me please.
DADDY'S come to Collect me...damn he's leaving again...