a dog pissed all over me

by bigdreaux 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigdreaux

    these are animals that are wandering the streets of new orleans that are unpopulated. they take all of them in, even sick ones, nurse them back to health, and try to find good homes. it is a no kill shelter. that's why we love it so much.

  • educ8self

    It's nice that they're no kill, but there are just two factors - one is a home environment is very different, which is the kind of environment they will eventually be living in and may or need to be in depending - I imagine some do foster the special cases already. The second is fostering them rather than adopting allows you to help more animals, but of course you run into the attachment more than if they are at the shelter.

  • changeling

    Go back and get the puppy, you know you want to. You're just waiting for our approval. You have our blessing, so go!

    Oh, and pick up a book called "Houseboken in 7 Days". It's about crate training. If you follow it's adivice you will have that puppy trained in no time at all.


  • kwr

    That cat looks like a pet tiger.


    Bigreaux..When I first got my dog the girls next door wanted to pat him..He was just a pup..He laid on his back and they rubbed his tummy..Then he pee`d right in one little girls face..The little girl was in shock!..The other could`nt stop laughing,she wasn`t the one that got pee`d on!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • JK666

    Big D,

    At least he didn't hump you!


  • Hortensia

    reminds me of the time years ago when I took a bunch of little kids to the San Diego zoo. The camels came right over to look at us and eat our food. When we ran out of food (camel food, not people food so don't yell at me) one camel twisted up his mouth and spit at a little girl, a giant mouthful of camel spit. I had to take her in a restroom and wash her hair and she kept crying and saying "he SPIT on me." I wonder if she ever went to the zoo again?

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