Big hug!
by fullofdoubtnow 51 Replies latest jw friends
Big hug!
Welcome back Linda Good to see you're posting again!
Glad to see you here today!
How was the shopping?
It was great to be able to go shopping instead of sitting around letting Trev do everything. It's equally great to be able to post on here again.
I'll try and make it a more regular habit.
Hi, it's great to 'see' you.
((((( Linda )))))
Linda - glad you are back. I was very sorry to hear of your health problems.
But how 'bout that man of yours? Now that's a love story. I am so glad that you have that kind of support with what you are going through. Let us know if we can do anything.
I have missed you Linda! It is nice to "see" you again! I know you have been through a wirl-wind lately. I hope you are feeling OK and get to do things you enjoy...Like be on here!!
{{{{{fullofdoubtnow}}}}} Do hope it wont be long before your in FULL health again.
I've missed you posting, Linda. Welcome back!!