Challenged to a drag race...

by Jim_TX 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jim_TX

    I'm sorry if I do not share your humor in this.

    But drag racing has caused the loss of many lives over the years and I feel as adults we should be setting an example to our young persons to respect life/lives and not take or initiate dares.

    Just my opinion.

    Sorry that you don't see humor in this. If you were there (which you weren't), you would've seen how I was making funny faces at this kiddo... (my wife was laughing her arse off) making a joke of his 'drag race' stance.

    Also - he was gonna race - no matter whut. What I did was keep him to the 35mph speed limit - well, he may have been going 38 - 40 - as he was trying to 'egg' me on - to get me to 'open 'er up' so to speak.

    Also - even though I joke about me little 4-banger VW diesel, it can really move, if I tromp it. I choose not to - unless I am needing to pass someone on the freeway.


    Jim TX

    P.S. I'll post a new topic - documenting the first time I drag raced (NOT) - when I was about 21 or so.

  • ronin1


    I get your's just I worry about how our young people have no sense of the fear of losing their lives when they do drag race.

    I'm glad you were responsible and I did not mean to offend you or your wife.



  • Stealth453

    Sweeeeeeeeeeet move. hahahaha

  • BFD

    Jim, that is hilarious! Thanks for the belly laugh!


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