It is always dangerous to do anything against the Watchtower Society once you have been baptized. The most common thing they will do is watch you like a hawk, so they can have probable grounds for a judicial hearing that works like a kangaroo court. If you are inactive or fading, you might get away with it for years before they decide to pull out the inactive publisher list.
Generally, the ones to look out for are the butt-kissers and hounder wannabes. Those will rat you out for brownie points. Some envious people very often rat people out just to destroy their freedom as well. They are more likely to play this card if they think you have much to lose if you got disfellowshipped.
I would weigh the cost/benefit of staying in the Tower. Is there any reason why you don't wish to disassociate or take the risk of getting disfellowshipped? If you disassociate, you are free to associate with disfellowshipped people, but any family or "friends" within the organization will shun you (they might also limit association with you if they think you're "weak"). The up side is that will put a stop to the hounding. If you fade, you might be able to associate with others (careful because there are always those who will rat you out behind your back) but you have to watch your step to avoid blowing the fade and you get hounded when you thought it was safe.
Usually, the only reasons people find to stay is their family. If this is not the case with you, then there is probably little or nothing to lose by being reckless, or sending a disassociation letter. You are not going to live forever in paradise under their system either way, and even if you could, it would be a life of stagnation.
Even if the hounders are not the type that will go after you, that's where the hounder-hounder comes in. This pest is the one that stirs the pot, hounding the hounders to go after those inactives that are not accounted for. Usually, that is why it can take months for them to get around to it. Sometimes the hounder-hounder will tolerate one or two missings, only to get another that has zero tolerance for not-accounted-for publishers. That is when they go after people after several years of no activity.
Good luck.