Massive donations to the WTS

by greendawn 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyHaszard

    Don't do what I did and squander your money on the false Jehovah's Witnesses cult.Danny Haszard gave all his money to the Watchtower building fund during my youth when I was making big bucks in the construction trade union.I did so because they lied to me that i would never need it for my retirement.Well I am 50 years old and I do need all my money back now that it's 2007 and the 'end of the world' is overdue.
    The Watchtower religious racket also got all my grandfather's and my father's savings.

    The Watchtower one year before the foretold end of the world 1975,was a time that I remember they were ordering the rank and file JW followers to liquidate their assets and go all out for the Kingdom of God.
    The late 1960's was also a time period that Brooklyn H.Q. was really crying poor mouth ( JW children were sending in their piggy banks {Jehovah's pennies} i was giving them my paper route and egg money from my 20 hens).
    I alone have been extorted tens of thousands of dollars of my life savings by the greedy bastards as an adult.

    Get this! My elderly Grandfather Roger Haszard and MY Grandmother Ruth Haszard are living in Largo Florida usa circa 1987,(now deceased).
    We get an emergency conference call from my uncle Wallace on 'what are we going do do with our aging patriarch as they are becoming helpless and are in need of a part-time nurse'.
    My grandfather is busted as he gave all his assets to the Watchtower and his estate is all going to the Watchtower when they die.
    There is no emergency cash to free up so the family now has pitch in to pay for their care.

    The Watchtower has occasional hypocritical articles on caring for our elderly,they don't reveal how countless family's get into this bind on account of their wicked advice.

    See,what gets me is the Haszard clan was always poor because we gave it all to the Watchtower. My father started out with a $50,000 ( @ 1952 inflationary adjustment) missionary bank account and by the time he married my mom and settled down he was flat broke,and we have been broken ever since. You yuppie jehovah scum dare to call us 'white trash'?

  • DannyHaszard

    They Trashed my Ca$h

    The Jehovah Contract, hardcover The saga of the,COOLS vs. the GEEKS In 1989 a leading elder { that I trusted } taps me on the shoulder and tells me how he has telephoned the WT$ H.Q. Ivory tower,to inquire on,"how much longer can it last"."It can only 'last' just a few more months is the ominous reply". Yes sir, this is heavy on my heart. Just how will I be 'found in the day of Jehovah's anger'?Will I 'probably' be saved?How do I conduct myself with the horrific death of nearly 6 billion men women and small children on my conscience?Will I be found 'blood-guilty' for not serving Jehovah to the fullest.[Col.3:23] Who, should I look to as an example?What about the resident'Bethelite'?He just did a stint at Brooklyn and was a ministerial servant,and is looked up to as "exemplary".He is also considered to be the 'coolest' guy in the hall.In fact he drives a 'cool' two door Saab coupe.{the sisters are drooling over him}.He also subscribes to 'worldly',Rolling stone and Spin magazines.So he can be current with all the latest coolest 'worldly'. trends. In contrast,I have heeded the WT$'s directive to only purchase a modest,$1,500.00 four door family style 's very plain and ordinary (geeky) I think it s**ks,I'm a 4X4 pickup man myself.But the Ivory tower say's only buy four door sedans to facilitate,'car groups' for the sacred door to door 'field service'. I'm making $50,000.00 a year and I drive a 's**t box'.because i am donating all my profits to the Watchtower $ociety.I am also at (age 29) still living with mom and dad, to economize on living expenses. I keep my nearly blind from birth mom,furnished with all the necessary appliances for sure.I even bought her a 25" color TV from K-mart.While the most popular( exemplary) family in the church has a wide screen TV.I bought with cash, for a pioneer, a better car than I have.I am giving Thousands of dollars to the Watchtower's world wide work,while my family and I lives modestly. For all my sincere earnest toil and goodness,I am loathed and ridiculedby my brothers and sisters at the Rockland Massachusetts congregation. Sneering at me behind my back.Yes,they tried to pin a 'kick me sign' on my back.Squeezed into their mold a dumb geek,"who is so dum,why he doesn't have the sense to be cool like us".This is the event that set me free.The god of these ass"wholes" is not the god i will serve. --Danny Haszard
  • LennyinBluemont

    Over a 30 year period, $80-100K. Thought we were supporting the "Kingdom Work". My sister gave them my grandmother's wedding ring. Also had them in our wills to get 1/3 of everything. Trashed the wills and notified them. Too bad we can't get it back for "misrepresentation". I've kept all my cancelled checks from the last 20 years or so. Just another part of the price we all paid. Would be nice to have it in a retirement account. Guess others are enjoying it.

  • journey-on

    You "ain't seen nothin' yet!" the saying goes.

    Wait till the kool-aid version of the WT comes out. I think the pressure will be on the r&f to donate generously more and more. They'll probably be told how Satan is spreading lies and rumors and the legal battles to defend Jehovah's organization is costing the society and "you need to do the right thing" and support heavily their endeavors to overcome Satan's attempts to bring Jehovah's people down.

  • HappyDad

    In thirty plus years as a JW I never gave much at all because they said there is no emphasis on money.

    At the last KH I attended at the turn of the century (about 1998-2000) an older sister was quite ill and gave power of attorney to the PO. Since I was frequently missing meetings at that time, I missed a lot of what was going on. But when I did go.......and this older sister was home from the hospital and attending some meetings, she told me that the PO was trying to get her to sign her house and money over to him. At first I thought it might be a little dementia, but after talking with another JW who was a little disgruntled and also a close friend of mine..........he confirmed this to be true.

    At least her mind was still good enough to not give in to this PO. When she died I was a pall bearer at the funeral and some were a little miffed at that because my attendance was so bad. I imagine that after her house was sold......everything went to the cong. or the society. I never stuck around to find out.

    Yes.......there are a bunch of money grubbing con men that are JW's......the biggest money grubbing being those at the top.


  • journey-on

    The WTB&TS is probably thinking they better get it while they can. A lot of the oldtimers from the 40's, 50's, and 60's are dying off now. They are the hard noses...the ones that gave their LIFE to the borg. Why not get their MONEY, too, especially in these "last hours of the last days"!

    I don't think the WTS is going to be able to control the minds of the newer generations. The internet is changing that and this generation is a lot more savvy materially. They won't be so easily duped, IMO. It's just too bad that their rightful inheritance is probably going to go to a multi-million dollar corporation rather to family.

  • legalchickie

    A co-worker of mine who is a jw is seriously considering taking all of her and husband's (they are in their mid thirties) retirement savings and donating it to the wts because of course, the end is going to be any day now. And they have two small children!! Unbelieveable!!

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    I can't remember ever putting anything in a donation box. I'm sure I must have at some point but it could not have been much. Part of it was always being broke but it just felt very strange to me to even walk by a contribution box!
    My sister told me that they asked the brothers to "loan" money for some project or other - I don't remember what - and it would be paid back by a designated time. Wouldn't you know, just as that time was approaching they started the guilt trip of "oh how wonderful if you brothers could see it in your hearts to not ask for YOUR money back..." routine. Her dumbass husband gave in and they never saw a penny repaid. Three small kids and they were giving money to a filthy rich organization of beggars.

  • tfjw

    These stories are heart wrenching and simply disgusting!

    My family donated large sums of money to them on a regular basis in Germany, Denmark and the general area until the Nazi war. This is something I only recently found out about and was the straw that broke the camel's back for me and my children, grandchildren and great grand children.

    I used to donate but not in large sums. Something always told me that if I donate, it should be to a charitable institute. That is where my family now puts contributions.

  • DannyHaszard

    This is me Danny Haszard 1987 Boston Massachusetts in my prime ( i got a colostomy bag now at age 50) working 60 hours a week (with double time over 40) at full union scale beaming with joy on how Jehovah has blessed me so I can use my 'unrighteous riches' to use in his ministry.Bear in mind that the other religions don't tell you to give us all your money cause the end of the world is coming before you get old enough to need it for retirement.That is fraud for God extortion plain and simple!

    The 'other' religions have the good sense to promise you your reward AFTER you die and no one has ever come back and sued for breech of promise.

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