Like the others, I would honestly have to answer, no.
I used to think that being a JW was an advantage and that having a JW Bible education was useful.
But now after six years out I think I was wrong. I actually have been DISADVANTAGED by spending so much time inside a kingdum hall. Oh maybe in a big Bible trivia quiz I might guess the million dollar winning question. But when is that ever going to happen?
"Tell us Anewme, for ONE MILLION DOLLARS, which foot of the Lord was washed first by the unnamed prostitute?" "Was it his left or his right?" "You have ten seconds to give your answer" "Audience, please remain quiet" "For one million dollars Anewme, what is your answer?"
It has taken years to de-program myself and think clearly without the JW doctrine restraint. My concept of God and the world and society has had to play catch up with reality.
Actually I think the pain of the DFing process made me a better person! Having survived it, I am stronger, more astute, more outspoken, suspicious of organizations, but kinder and gentler towards mankind in general.
Thanks for asking!